Crucible artinya percobaan, ujian berat, atau bisa juga berarti tempat pencarian logam, tegantung konteks kalimatnya. Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat di bawah ini : The author called these statements spiritual practice for they could only have been forged in the crucible of each woman’s daily living. The difference is that Ulysses rejected the temptations that life’s crucible threw at him …
Terjemahan dari grisly adjektiva mengerikan terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, grisly yg menakuntukan grisly Definisi grisly adjektiva causing horror or disgust. the town was shaken by a series of grisly crimes sinonim: gruesome, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling, horrible, horrendous, grim, awful, dire, dreadful, terrible, horrific, shocking, appalling, abominable, loathsome, abhorrent, odious, …
Terjemahan dari melee nomina perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, fracas pergulatan struggle, melee, wrestling, wrestle, scrimmage, tussle huru-hara melee, riot, commotion, hurly-burly, hullabaloo, pandemonium pergumulan struggle, tussle, wrestling, scrimmage, scuffle, melee Definisi melee nomina a confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle. several people were hurt in the melee sinonim: fracas, disturbance, rumpus, tumult, commotion, ruckus, …
Terjemahan dari clatter verba berdentum clash, clatter, brattle mendentum thunder, clatter, brattle, roar beromong ramble, gab, twitter, twaddle, waffle, clatter menderam thunder, brattle, clatter, roar beromong kosong confab, gab, confabulate, waffle, flapdoodle, clatter bergerak dgn bunyi yg ramai clatter jatuh dgn bunyi yg ramai clatter Definisi clatter verba make or cause to make a continuous …
Terjemahan dari dense adjektiva padat solid, dense, congested, compact, heavy, tight rapat tight, dense, close, compact, intimate, firm lebat heavy, dense, torrential, pouring, lush tebal thick, heavy, dense, bulky, fat, bushy pekat concentrated, dense, strong, soupy, slab, tough kental thick, lumpy, condensed, viscous, dense, stiff rimbun lush, dense, thick, luxuriant, exuberant bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, …