Terjemahan dari disputatious adjektiva argumentatif disputatious penuh dgn argumen disputatious Definisi disputatious adjektiva fond of or causing heated arguments. a congenial hangout for disputatious academics Sinonim adjektiva contentious, litigious, combative Contoh To place those two disputatious lawyers side by side, even in after-life, would have been a certain recipe for conflict. A more accurate portrayal …
Terjemahan dari flabby adjektiva lembek mushy, soft, flabby, flaccid, soggy, weak lemah weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, flabby lembut soft, tender, delicate, creamy, mild, flabby gembur loose, crumbly, friable, flabby lunak soft, tender, malleable, lenient, mild, flabby lemah hati soft, tame, flabby, flaccid lembut hati meek, tender, mild, suave, easygoing, flabby Definisi flabby adjektiva (of …
Terjemahan dari instigate verba menghasut incite, instigate, stir up, provoke, foment, bolster mendesak urge, insist, push, press, demand, instigate menggosok rub, scrub, polish, scour, wipe, instigate memberangsangkan make angry, instigate, incite menganjurkan recommend, advocate, encourage, suggest, advise, instigate memprovokasi provoke, instigate Definisi instigate verba bring about or initiate (an action or event). they instigated a …
Terjemahan dari hatch verba menetas hatch, incubate, crack open mengeramkan hatch menetaskan incubate, hatch, cause to break out mengeram incubate, brood, hatch, imprison merencanakan plan, plot, devise, design, schedule, hatch menggores scratch, scrape, etch, strike, touch, hatch nomina lubang palka hatch pengeraman incubation, hatch, sitting garis line, stripe, streak, contour, dash, hatch gores scratch, scar, …
Terjemahan dari adjourn verba menunda delay, put off, postpone, suspend, defer, adjourn menangguhkan suspend, postpone, defer, put off, shelve, adjourn mempertangguhkan defer, adjourn, postpone, delay ditunda be delayed, adjourn reses adjourn berpindah tempat migrate, adjourn, budge beristirahat rest, relax, take a rest, unwind, repose, adjourn menggantung hang, hang out, hang up, hang down, suspend, adjourn …