Terjemahan dari visage nomina wajah face, look, countenance, features, visage, physiognomy muka face, front, surface, page, reputation, visage roman muka countenance, visage Definisi visage nomina a person’s face, with reference to the form or proportions of the features. an elegant, angular visage Sinonim nomina face, countenance, look, (facial) features, (facial) expression countenance countenance, phiz, mug, …
Terjemahan dari plethora nomina kebanyakan majority, plethora, volume hal berlebih-lebihan extravagance, extravagancy, plethora Definisi plethora nomina a large or excessive amount of (something). a plethora of committees and subcommittees sinonim: excess, overabundance, superabundance, surplus, glut, superfluity, surfeit, profusion, too many, too much, enough and to spare, more —— than one can shake a stick at …
Terjemahan dari progeny nomina keturunan descent, offspring, descendant, ancestry, heredity, progeny anak-anak children, brood, progeny, small anak cucu children and grandchildren, posterity, offspring, progeny, descendant Definisi progeny nomina a descendant or the descendants of a person, animal, or plant; offspring. the progeny of mixed marriages sinonim: offspring, young, babies, children, sons and daughters, family, brood, …
Terjemahan dari frenzy nomina kegilaan madness, craziness, frenzy, lunacy, psychosis, mania hiruk-pikuk uproar, hurly-burly, frenzy, pandemonium, bedlam, din Definisi frenzy nomina a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior. Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage sinonim: hysteria, madness, mania, delirium, feverishness, fever, wildness, agitation, turmoil, tumult, wild excitement, euphoria, elation, ecstasy; …
Terjemahan dari vindicate verba mempertahankan maintain, defend, preserve, hold, stand, vindicate membenarkan justify, confirm, condone, correct, warrant, vindicate membersihkan nama baik vindicate membuktikan kebenaran document, vindicate, exculpate, bear record Definisi vindicate verba clear (someone) of blame or suspicion. hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict sinonim: acquit, clear, absolve, exonerate, discharge, liberate, free, let …