
Terjemahan dari condescend
deign, condescend, agree, hold with
swank, pose, show off, profess, gasconade, condescend
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condescend, bridle up
menurunkan martabat
abase, condescend, stoop, down-grade
bersikap melindungi
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Definisi condescend
show feelings of superiority; be patronizing.
take care not to condescend to your reader
sinonim: patronize, talk down to, look down one’s nose at, look down on, put down
  • patronize, talk down to, look down one’s nose at, look down on, put down
  • deign, stoop, descend, lower oneself, demean oneself, vouchsafe, see fit, consent
  • lower oneself, stoop
  • patronize
  • deign, descend
Lebih sedikit sinonim
I’m inexperienced, not stupid, so don’t condescend to me, okay?
take care not to condescend to your reader
That it also boasts fluid, intuitive gameplay, and does not condescend to the audience by making the fighting too simple or automatic, is miraculous.
I think there’s a tendency in American art to really condescend to children, and make sure that the message is laid on thickly.
‘Fox reporters almost never condescend to viewers,’ he observes.
Even when she tries to encourage her kids, she does little more than condescend to them or brush them off.
She still made history as the first woman to ever lead the race, although ABC did its best tocondescend to both her gender and its audience by continually cutting away to reactions shots of Patrick’s mother.
He knew that as long as there was studio financing, any film he made for the black community would have to condescend to whites.
take care not to condescend to your reader
What they cannot accept is the fact that they currently have a Government that thinks it cancondescend to Maori and give them a special preference when they do not need it.
Don’t condescend to them – that’s why they’re not coming!
She knows better finally than the adults around her – significantly those who would condescend to her – the authentic ground of human respect and impartial justice.
‘Condescend, sir! but I will not condescend to be so conversed with.’ Montoni smiled contemptuously.
The well-intentioned results condescend to both artists and businesspeople while shedding no light on either world.
The presence on an arts board of the occasional, often atypical artist from a minority does not do much for the community, other than condescend to him or her.
Kids demand shows that are smart and have lots of action and they remember if you condescend to them.
Like Jennifer Tilly, Brad doesn’t condescend to the material, as many actors might; he treats the character very seriously.
Because of Soong’s outstanding vote record in the 2000 presidential election, both he and his party members feel wronged by his having to condescend to accepting the vice presidential seat.
We expect our television to debase us, empty us, and condescend to us.
I’m glad to see a movie that doesn’t condescend to its young girl characters, send them to the prom or make them want to take off their glasses for a boy.
Yet Williams doesn’t condescend to his viewers.
The poet can’t therefore presume to condescend to him, because he and his peers have guarded the very bourgeois freedoms that enable his son to be a weighty thinker.
Students will condescend to read only about those things they think they already know; they don’t want new things.
Because, simply, the producers of media for young people can’t patronise or condescend to their audience.
At dinner in a ghetto restaurant, where Bigger is known, neither Mary nor Jan realizes the extent to which they at once condescend to Bigger and violate his sensitivities.
Watching it, I found myself quietly appalled by the smugness, condescension and bogus rhetoric on display.
I was still a former peasant boy, she would one day stand above me like this with that samecondescendence and I would be her humble subject.
The bombast, condescension , arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect.
The case will then proceed in the same way as if the record were closed after condescendence and answers.
He knows Tom is not one of their breed and treats him with the condescension and snobbery that his privileged class affords him.
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