Terjemahan dari typical adjektiva khas typical, unique, characteristic, specific, peculiar, particular khusus special, specific, particular, unique, distinctive, typical tipikal typical, exemplary, representative typis typical, classical Definisi typical adjektiva having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing. a typical day sinonim: representative, classic, quintessential, archetypal, model, prototypical, stereotypical, paradigmatic, common; normal, average, …
Terjemahan dari gratify verba memuaskan satisfy, quench, gratify, satiate, meet, content memenuhi meet, fulfill, satisfy, comply, cater, gratify menyenangkan please, delight, pleasure, treat, gratify, gladden memberi kebahagiaan gratify memberi kepuasaan gratify Definisi gratify verba give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction. I was gratified to see the coverage in May’s issue sinonim: please, gladden, make happy, delight, …
Terjemahan dari aspirant nomina calon candidate, nominee, applicant, aspirant, rookie, expectant aspiran aspirant, candidate adjektiva yg suka mencari nama aspirant yg mengejar-ngejar kedudukan aspirant Definisi aspirant adjektiva (of a person) having ambitions to achieve something, typically to follow a particular career. an aspirant politician nomina a person who has ambitions to achieve something. an aspirant …
Terjemahan dari amidst preposisi di kalangan amid, amidst di tengah-tengah midst, amid, amidst, in the thick of Contoh amidst There was quite a bit of tartan, along with the more traditionally sombre garb, and many smiles amidstthe tears. Eggs hidden inside the cab of a toy truck or amidst the set of wooden blocks will …
Terjemahan dari jovial adjektiva periang jovial, cheery, gay, corky, jaunty, volatile baik hati dan gembira jovial Definisi jovial adjektiva cheerful and friendly. she was in a jovial mood sinonim: cheerful, jolly, happy, cheery, good-humored, convivial, genial, good-natured, friendly, amiable, affable, sociable, outgoing, smiling, merry, sunny, joyful, joyous, high-spirited, exuberant, chipper, chirpy, perky, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, …