
Terjemahan dari coup
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Definisi coup
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
he was overthrown in an army coup
sinonim: seizure of power, coup d’état, putsch, overthrow, takeover, deposition, revolution, palace revolution, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, insurgence, uprising
a notable or successful stroke or move.
it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract
sinonim: success, triumph, feat, accomplishment, achievement, scoop, master stroke, stroke of genius
a contusion caused by contact of the brain with the skull at the point of trauma.
(among North American Indians) an act of touching an armed enemy in battle as a deed of bravery, or an act of first touching an item of the enemy’s in order to claim it.
  • seizure of power, coup d’état, putsch, overthrow, takeover, deposition, revolution, palace revolution, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, insurgence, uprising
  • success, triumph, feat, accomplishment, achievement, scoop, master stroke, stroke of genius
  • putsch, coup d’etat, takeover
Lebih sedikit sinonim
it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract
What drives the story are the aftershocks of this failed coup .
It is perhaps simplest to speak of a creeping military coup .
If there was some sort of coup , when did it take place?
His appointment by the school management is regarded as a major coup in the context of securing the services of a high profile sporting figure.
he was overthrown in an army coup
A young man who scored a major coup by being elected to both local authorities having had difficulties in getting nominated.
Capturing him was a major coup for the Russians.
If he’s cleared, it’ll be a massive publicity coup for him.
They claimed she was making strange demands of the budget, she claimed it was a coup d’état by radical prohibitionists who had infiltrated the organization.
There was a group of investors in this coup , and like all investors, what they hope to do is make a great deal of money out of their investment.
The merger itself was a coup of sorts.
There’s a rumor that there’s been some kind of coup or civil war there.
It doesn’t necessarily happen all at once, or as the result of a traditional military coup d’ état.
That’s really the lesson of this latest intelligence coup .
And the first major media entity to cover it in depth will score a major coup .
These months following October’s bloodless coup have been eventful indeed.
And they comforted themselves with the knowledge that if the court had not intervened, they would have scored a major coup .
This development in turn would almost certainly provoke another military coup to prevent it from happening.
If the deal is successful, it would be a major coup for the galleries, putting its collection of modern art on a par with London’s Tate Modern.
I mean it’s an extraordinary journalistic coup .
The company, which is developing medical treatments for a number of diseases, announced that it planned to expand its Irish facility in a major coup for Cork.
A year ago, they came close to that goal when a general strike they organized became the pretext for a brief military coup .
They pulled off a coup and the achievement should not be under-rated.
This may prove to have been the biggest marketing coup of all.
From the moment he stood on a tank in August 1991 to face down an attempted Communist coup , Yeltsin was championed by the West as Russia’s great hope.
‘The military coup is today almost exclusively an African phenomenon’, he said.
His selection as President by the Supreme Court in 2000 was a presidential and judicial coup .
There are reports coming out of that region of a possible military coup .
Independence came in 1957, and nine years later came the first military coup .
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coup d’etat, military coup, coup de grace, bloodless coup
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