Terjemahan dari suppress verba menekan press, suppress, push, depress, hold down, compress menindas oppress, suppress, repress, crush, trample, stifle menahan hold, withstand, resist, keep, restrain, suppress menyembunyikan hide, conceal, disguise, suppress, mask, withhold membenamkan immerse, sink, suppress, jail, duck, scuttle memadamkan extinguish, put out, quell, quench, turn off, suppress memberangus suppress, muzzle, throttle membredel censor, …
Terjemahan dari pimp nomina germo pimp, procurer, pander, brothel keeper muncikari pimp, matchmaker, procuress calo pander, pimp alku pimp, procurer jaruman needlework, stitch, procurer, pimp ceti moneylender, pimp Definisi pimp nomina a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. She used to drive even prostitutes and …
Terjemahan dari ulterior adjektiva tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, occult yg disembunyikan recondite, ulterior, covered Definisi ulterior adjektiva existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden. could there be an ulterior motive behind his request? sinonim: underlying, undisclosed, undivulged, concealed, hidden, covert, secret, personal, private, selfish Sinonim adjektiva underlying, undisclosed, undivulged, concealed, hidden, …
Terjemahan dari perturb verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, perturb mengusik harass, tease, touch, perturb, pick on mencemaskan worry, thrill, perturb, put about, frighten, disturb menyusahkan trouble, distress, burden, inconvenience, pester, perturb membingungkan confuse, baffle, puzzle, mystify, confound, perturb menggelisahkan agitate, discomfort, alarm, worry, fidget, perturb Definisi perturb verba make (someone) anxious or unsettled. …
Terjemahan dari ascetic nomina pertapa ascetic, hermit, recluse, solitary, solitaire, retreatant adjektiva yg bersifat pertapa ascetic Definisi ascetic adjektiva characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons. an ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and manual labor sinonim: austere, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious, self-disciplined, self-abnegating, …