
Terjemahan dari upbringing
care, upbringing, nurture, education, breeding, auspices
education, upbringing, nurture, pupil
Definisi upbringing
the treatment and instruction received by a child from its parents throughout its childhood.
his Quaker upbringing influenced his character
sinonim: childhood, early life, formative years, teaching, education, instruction, tutelage, care, rearing, raising, breeding
  • childhood, early life, formative years, teaching, education, instruction, tutelage, care, rearing,raising, breeding
  • bringing up, nurture, breeding, raising, fosterage, rearing, fostering
Tyson has been heavily influenced by his childhood, his upbringing , his mother.
his Quaker upbringing influenced his character
In the end, it all comes down to the importance of family and a good upbringing .
I was a very happy and healthy baby and had a normal upbringing , in fact, with lots of nurturing.
He prefers not to dwell on his parents’ deaths, but he talks freely about his upbringing in Falkirk.
Perhaps his unflappable nature stems from an upbringing on New Zealand’s west coast.
Jane had a strict upbringing and she never developed a close relationship with her parents.
he was a countryman by upbringing
Priestley is reluctant to say what he will bring to it from his own upbringing in Vancouver.
she had had a Christian upbringing
She said that he had experienced a difficult upbringing and had been in care for much of his youth.
He said that the upbringing of children should be a private matter for parents.
That way, the child gets to have a normal life with parents who would give him or her a goodupbringing .
I know it is a strange viewpoint, Mama, but I suspect it is a result of his background and hisupbringing .
Most of this was due to her parents, her controlled upbringing and her feelings towards the disease.
Which brings us to your upbringing in the bombed London which seems to reappear in a lot of your work.
The three athletes are very similar: modest upbringings and supportive families have moulded them into hungry, focused individuals.
I still think the significant question is why two different paths were taken by two people with similarupbringings .
Both Taylor and Phillips wanted a more rural home that would remind them of their upbringings in deep countryside.
The unconscious choices, rooted in our upbringings ; in compassion and understanding, the core beliefs that guide us through the obstacle course of life.
After pondering the philosophical elements of our individual upbringings , we discovered that both of us had been brought up in the United Church.
With varied upbringings , geographic backgrounds, faiths and even languages, people make more of an effort to find common ground.
‘No, we were raised with completely different upbringings ,’ Zoe began to explain.
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