Terjemahan dari concussion nomina gegar concussion, shaking, swaying benturan keras concussion gegaran concussion, shaking, swaying goncangan keras concussion Definisi concussion nomina temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. The term is also used loosely of the aftereffects such as confusion or temporary incapacity. The development of a better understanding of mild concussion is …
Terjemahan dari delirium nomina igauan delirium keadaan tdk ingat waktu demam delirium kegila-gilaan delirium, infatuation, craze Definisi delirium nomina an acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders and is characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech. Schizophrenia is conventionally distinguished from the organic psychoses dementia and …
Terjemahan dari defy verba menentang oppose, defy, resist, go against, confront, argue menantang challenge, defy, brave, outdare membantah argue, deny, dispute, disprove, rebut, defy melanggar violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, defy tahan menghadapi defy Definisi defy verba openly resist or refuse to obey. a woman who defies convention sinonim: disobey, go against, flout, fly in …
Terjemahan dari skirmish nomina pertempuran kecil skirmish perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, skirmish hal tembak-menembak shooting, gunplay, skirmish verba bertempur kecil-kecilan skirmish Definisi skirmish nomina an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets. The key now is to tune out the ‘white noise’ and stop …
Terjemahan dari imperturbable adjektiva tenang sekali imperturbable, dead calm, cold-livered yg tak dpt diganggu unflappable, imperturbable Definisi imperturbable adjektiva unable to be upset or excited; calm. an imperturbable tranquility sinonim: self-possessed, composed, calm, cool, and collected, coolheaded, self-controlled, serene, relaxed, unexcitable, even-tempered, placid, phlegmatic, unperturbed, unflustered, unruffled, unflappable, unfazed, nonplussed, laid-back, equanimous Sinonim adjektiva self-possessed, …