Terjemahan dari contender nomina lawan opponent, opposite, enemy, rival, adversary, contender penyaing contender pendebat debater, contender pembantah disputant, exceptant, contender Sinonim contender nomina challenger, rival, competition, competitor Comments comments
Terjemahan dari bait nomina umpan bait, decoy, fodder, forage, enticement, victim verba memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, bait mengumpani bait, entice menyerang attack, strike, assault, strike out, assail, bait menyiksa torture, torment, punish, strain, persecute, bait Definisi bait nomina food used to entice fish or other animals as prey. herrings make excellent bait for …
Prevail artinya menang, menguasai Prevail artinya berlaku Prevail juga berarti membujuk Prevail juga berarti merata, tersebar luas Contoh Kalimat : Their collective rights prevail over individual or corporate monopoly interests. He was of course, feeling the paternal love which can prevail over all other emotions. Its name derives from romance, the literary form in which …
Terjemahan dari cliche nomina kata klise cliche klise percetakan cliche Definisi cliché nomina a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. the old cliché “one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” sinonim: platitude, hackneyed phrase, commonplace, banality, old saying, maxim, truism, stock phrase, trite phrase, old chestnut a stereotype …
Terjemahan dari marshal nomina marsekal marshal pemimpin leader, head, director, manager, captain, marshal kepala polisi marshal perwira tinggi senior officer, marshal, flag officer pedel marshal verba menyusun arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, marshal memimpin lead, head, preside, guide, conduct, marshal Definisi marshal nomina an officer of the highest rank in the armed forces of …