
Terjemahan dari utilize
utilize, exploit, harness, abuse
use, make use of, utilize, employ, take, apply
Definisi utilize
make practical and effective use of.
vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet
sinonim: use, make use of, put to use, employ, avail oneself of, bring/press into service, bring into play, deploy, draw on, exploit, harness
  • use, make use of, put to use, employ, avail oneself of, bring/press into service, bring into play, deploy, draw on, exploit, harness
  • use, apply, employ
vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet
The aim of judo is to utilize physical and mental strength most effectively.
vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet
The courts and the commissions could then utilize all this information to make their decisions.
So let’s make the best of it and utilize the present time to the fullest – go for gold!
Minister Smith said the area of land under organic production in Ireland is about 30,000 hectares, just under 1% of the total utilisable agricultural area.
Mental health treatment could potentially benefit patients (by reducing their need for medical services) and managed care companies by reducing the costs of care for those who are high utilizers .
The Allies had to mobilise and utilise their large resources effectively on the battlefield and in the air.
In order to optimize the utilization of space, the architect added a huge window with a ledge that can double as a seat when opened.
Optimum utilization of human resources and cost-effective use of other assets will be ensured.
Researchers have found that high utilizers who receive mental health services subsequently average fewer medical visits than do comparison groups that receive no mental health treatment.
If you want to be taken seriously, get an education and get a job that utilizes your brain and not your body.
The BBC’s unequalled wealth of audio resources present directly and easily utilisable products for mobile operators.
After the war he utilised this fiction to present himself as politically guiltless.
Throughout his work, however, his overriding goal was the practical utilisation of science.
This is why the administration and utilisation of land is a very important undertaking and needs to be treated as such.
It also wants to see the slipway at Westport Quay being better utilised than at present.
The concerns of the local people at this juncture are almost invariably directed towards loss ofutilisable resources and amenity.
Consulting psychiatrists were utilized in conjunction with the in-home treatment.
Fluorescence has been utilized for many purposes, the most obvious being fluorescent lamps.
Thus, it becomes apparent that groundwater makes up the majority of the world’s utilizable freshwater resources, 95 per cent or more by volume.
Past research has shown that high utilizers of therapy experience less of an offset effect than do lowerutilizers .
The government is not utilizing its resources in terms of what the country needs at this particular point in time.
I just want to thank him for utilizing his position in the public eye to say what needs to be said.
We’re utilizing the helicopters in some of the rough areas to get into those deep, steep canyons.
Since we are more effectively utilizing our manpower, we can then optimally man our units.
So how can we make sure the nutrients we take in are being utilized to the greatest efficiency?
How can mass media be effectively utilized to propagate and promote a culture of peace?
The firm will utilise the rail network more effectively between Reading and London Paddington.
A health status questionnaire was utilized to determine eligibility for participation in the study.
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