
Terjemahan dari afflict
befall, afflict, come, fall on, beset, impinge
respect, hit, affect, concern, refer, afflict
infest, afflict, pester
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Definisi afflict
(of a problem or illness) cause pain or suffering to; affect or trouble.
serious ills afflict the industry
sinonim: trouble, burden, distress, cause suffering to, beset, harass, worry, oppress, torment, pester, plague, blight, bedevil, rack, smite, curse, ail
  • trouble, burden, distress, cause suffering to, beset, harass, worry, oppress, torment, pester,plague, blight, bedevil, rack, smite, curse, ail
  • smite
serious ills afflict the industry
serious ills afflict the industry
A vast array of social problems afflict a country so recently traumatized by war.
Similar problems afflict many other European universities.
A number of serious diseases afflict the population, including malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera.
Where afflicted or badly placed, Jupiter will produce negative traits through excess or weakness.
Saturn, the Greater Malefic and ruler of the 8th house, is stronger than the victim’s significator, the Moon, and afflicts the 11 th house of hopes and dreams.
And through fine moments of awareness, it is possible to not let afflictive emotions like anger evolve as a chain reaction that leads to the wish to harm.
The passion for setting people right is in itself an afflictive disease.
A planet in detriment or fall is in a precarious condition, more so if it is peregrine or otherwise afflicted .
But if that path is afflicted , the astrologer can suggest alternatives.
All joking aside, the most important health problem afflicting our nation right now is obesity, according to the National Institute of Health.
This problem afflicts a quarter of all irrigated land and is most acute in Pakistan, where two million hectares have been lost to high soil salinity.
At least the Prime Minister has acknowledged one of the most pressing problems afflicting rural areas: the alarming demise of sub-post offices.
They claim they are too easy a target for the game’s governing bodies who ought to be looking elsewhere to help ease the financial problems afflicting the game at a lower level.
Part of the reason was that the kings were able to insulate themselves from problems afflicting the rest of society.
Remove the ignorance that misconceives phenomena to inherently exist and you prevent the generation of afflictive emotions like lust and hatred.
The problem usually afflicts rural areas, where deep well drilling hits arsenic-rich aquifers.
Of course, it does not mean he is not familiar with the issues and problems afflicting the two suburbs.
And if they destroy your inner well-being and then also that of others, then we call them either negative, or afflictive , or obscuring, or destructive.
Companies have made great advances in tackling health problems afflicting dancers, but those could be lost if proper practices are not maintained at all levels of the profession, he said.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be highlighting how organic farming can provide solutions to the seemingly intractable problems afflicting our food chain.
The word from the World Health Organisation is that by the year 2020, depression will be the second most common health problem afflicting our population.
When we are afflicted with such illnesses, we expect to recover quickly and fully.
There are simply too many socioeconomic problems afflicting the educational setting for such a fast turnaround.
The decline of the world’s fish stocks is, next to global warming, probably the greatest problemafflicting our environmental commons.
It found no cardiac benefit in those already somewhat afflicted by heart problems.
We’ve come to understand that ‘ignoble’ thoughts often carry with them a level of afflictive emotion.
To be sure, the social and economic problems afflicting these nations are acute, but the current crisis is at root a political one, and progress will not come without serious reform.
It is cadent from the Ascendant and afflicted by a square to Saturn.
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