tdk terduga-duga
yg berubah-ubah
changeable, changeful, variable, varied, fickle, capricious
fickle, wishy-washy, capricious
a capricious and often brutal administration
tdk terduga-duga
yg berubah-ubah
changeable, changeful, variable, varied, fickle, capricious
fickle, wishy-washy, capricious
a capricious and often brutal administration
Terjemahan dari ledge nomina langkan ledge, balusters, balustrade, banister, balcony pinggiran yg sempit ledge Definisi ledge nomina a narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface. he heaved himself up over a ledge sinonim: shelf, sill, mantel, mantelpiece, shelving, projection, protrusion, overhang, ridge, prominence an underwater ridge, especially of rocks beneath the …
Enaknya Definisi delish adjektiva delicious. The meat itself was fall-off-the-bone good, tender as can be, and served with a delish pale orange swirl of mashed potato and carrot, seasoned with a dash of cinnamon for dramatic effect. Contoh No need to ditch the chocolate chips always and forever, but regularly substituting something like fruit or …
Terjemahan dari loathe verba benci hate, loathe, dislike, resent, detest, abhor menjijikkan disgust, repel, loathe, revolt, sicken, disrelish membenci hate, dislike, loathe, execrate muak loathe, be sick, sicken, be fed-up jijik detest, abhor, loathe membencikan dislike, hate, execrate, loathe mual be sick, loathe, sicken, be fed-up Definisi loathe verba feel intense dislike or disgust for. …
Terjemahan dari denounce verba mencela denounce, reproach, criticize, blame, deprecate, decry melaporkan report, notify, inform, declare, denounce mengadukan denounce, tell, tattle, snitch, squeal, charge mengakhiri end, terminate, put an end to, conclude, round off, denounce mengkhianati betray, rat, stab, abuse, denounce, quisle mencelakan cavil, keelhaul, stigmatize, excoriate, criticize, denounce Definisi denounce verba publicly declare to …
Terjemahan dari perturb verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, perturb mengusik harass, tease, touch, perturb, pick on mencemaskan worry, thrill, perturb, put about, frighten, disturb menyusahkan trouble, distress, burden, inconvenience, pester, perturb membingungkan confuse, baffle, puzzle, mystify, confound, perturb menggelisahkan agitate, discomfort, alarm, worry, fidget, perturb Definisi perturb verba make (someone) anxious or unsettled. …