Rookie quarterbacks deal with offensive playbooks that dwarf the ones they studied in college.
He quarterbacked the football team to a league title.
Rookie quarterbacks deal with offensive playbooks that dwarf the ones they studied in college.
He quarterbacked the football team to a league title.
Terjemahan dari discipline nomina disiplin discipline mata pelajaran subject, course, study, discipline kedisiplinan discipline, training ketertiban order, orderliness, discipline, neatness mata kuliah course, subject, study, discipline Definisi discipline nomina the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. a lack of proper parental and school discipline …
Terjemahan dari retrospect verba mengingat kembali recall, look back, recollect, retrospect, re-create nomina tinjauan ke belakang retrospect Definisi retrospect nomina a survey or review of a past course of events or period of time. As most of the passengers were settling down, Elf began a retrospect of the events of the past months. Sinonim verba …
Terjemahan dari fearless adjektiva tak kenal takut fearless, undaunted tdk takut fearless, undaunted, dauntless yg tdk gentar fearless, unperturbed Definisi fearless adjektiva lacking fear. a fearless defender of freedom sinonim: bold, brave, courageous, intrepid, valiant, valorous, gallant, plucky, lionhearted, heroic, daring, audacious, indomitable, doughty, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, gutsy, gutty, spunky, ballsy, feisty, skookum Sinonim adjektiva …
Terjemahan dari fracas nomina perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, fracas pertengkaran quarrel, fight, squabbling, altercation, quarreling, fracas Definisi fracas nomina a noisy disturbance or quarrel. There were fights and fracas where I saw guns, knives, baseball bats and the rest, but nothing I couldn’t handle. sinonim: disturbance, brawl, melee, rumpus, skirmish, struggle, scuffle, scrum, …
Terjemahan dari apprentice nomina magang apprentice, clerk, volunteer murid disciple, pupil, apprentice, grader cantrik apprentice, pupil Definisi apprentice nomina a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages. an apprentice electrician sinonim: trainee, learner, probationer, novice, beginner, starter, cadet, tenderfoot, pupil, student, …