Terjemahan dari misdemeanor nomina perbuatan kurang baik misdemeanor, misdemeanour pidana enteng misdemeanor, misdemeanour pelanggaran hukum yg ringan misdemeanor, misdemeanour tindak pidana yg tergolong ringan misdemeanor, misdemeanour Definisi misdemeanor nomina a minor wrongdoing. the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor sinonim: wrongdoing, evil deed, crime, felony, misdeed, misconduct, offense, error, peccadillo, transgression, …
Terjemahan dari frizzy adjektiva keriting curly, curling, kinky, frizzy, waved, frizzly yg dikeritingkan frizzed, frizzly, frizzy kribo frizzy, frizzly Definisi frizzy adjektiva formed of a mass of small, tight curls or tufts. frizzy red hair sinonim: curly, curled, corkscrew, ringlety, crimped, crinkly, kinky, frizzed, permed Sinonim adjektiva curly, curled, corkscrew, ringlety, crimped, crinkly, kinky, frizzed, …
Terjemahan dari jurisdiction nomina yurisdiksi jurisdiction wilayah hukum jurisdiction kekuasaan hukum jurisdiction hal mengadili jurisdiction Definisi jurisdiction nomina the official power to make legal decisions and judgments. federal courts had no jurisdiction over the case sinonim: authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, command, sway, leadership, sovereignty, hegemony Sinonim nomina authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, …
Terjemahan dari pesky adjektiva sial pesky, unlucky, unhappy, inauspicious, inopportune, hoodoo celaka unlucky, doggone, infernal, pesky, accursed, accurst yg mengganggu irritant, aggravating, irritative, pestilential, importunate, pesky Definisi pesky adjektiva causing trouble; annoying. pesky mosquitoes Sinonim adjektiva nettlesome, teasing, pestiferous, vexatious, vexing, plaguey, irritating, plaguy, galling,pestering, bothersome, annoying Contoh Trim as necessary and adhere to the …
Terjemahan dari trench nomina parit trench, ditch, moat, gully, gutter, canal parit perlindungan trench verba menggali dig, dig up, delve, excavate, probe, trench melindungi dgn parit trench Definisi trench nomina a long, narrow ditch. Although the analyses were undertaken in trenches parallel to the detrital-authigenic boundary, no decrease in ages was detected within the overgrowth. …