Terjemahan dari thuggery nomina pembunuhan murder, killing, assassination, homicide, decimation, thuggery pembunuhan dgn perampokan thuggee, thuggery Comments comments
Terjemahan dari ointment nomina urapan ointment, cream obat salep ointment salap unguent, ointment, salve, inunction balsem balm, balsam, ointment obat salap ointment, salve palit ointment Definisi ointment nomina a smooth oily preparation that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic. Apply a moisturizer cream or ointment if the perineal skin …
Terjemahan dari successor nomina penerus successor, continuer pengganti substitute, successor, surrogate, alternate, fill-in kulipat successor, deputy Definisi successor nomina a person or thing that succeeds another. Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school sinonim: heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line Sinonim nomina heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line heir replacement Lebih sedikit sinonim Contoh …
Terjemahan dari wince verba menggerenyet wince, have a muscle spasm, twitch, make a squeaking noise bergerenyit wince nomina kejap wink, wince kelip twinkle, wince Definisi wince nomina a slight grimace or shrinking movement caused by pain or distress. At the touch of his hand, there was a slight wince of pain. sinonim: grimace, flinch, start …
Terjemahan dari stymie verba menghalang block, stonewall, prevent, stymie, hinder, hold up nomina kebuntuan impasse, stymie jalan buntu stalemate, deadlock, impasse, blind alley, logjam, stymie Definisi stymie verba prevent or hinder the progress of. the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments Sinonim nomina stymy verba obstruct, embarrass, stymy, blockade, block, hinder …