Terjemahan dari muzzy adjektiva suram gloomy, bleak, grim, dismal, dreary, muzzy bingung confused, puzzled, perplexed, upset, disoriented, muzzy tdk jelas inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, woolly mabuk drunk, drunken, intoxicated, boozy, tanked, muzzy Definisi muzzy adjektiva unable to think clearly; confused. she was shivering and her head felt muzzy from sleep sinonim: groggy, lightheaded, faint, …
Ointment = obat salep Something that spoils or lessens the enjoyment when you are out with a group of friends, this is the guy who always fucks things up. Like when you put antibiotic ointment on a cut and fly gets stuck in it, you say “fuck!” For example, charlie is a fly in the …
Terjemahan dari snoop verba mengintip peek, peep, snoop, tout, stag, pry mengintai lurk, spy, snoop, stake out, scout, peer ingin tahu urusan orang lain snoop memata-matai look, keek, spy, reconnoitre, reconnoiter, snoop nomina pengintai scout, look-out, spotter, watcher, snooper, snoop pengintip peeper, snooper, keeker, snoop mata-mata scout, stool, stool pigeon, bloodhound, dick, snoop Definisi snoop …
Definisi unabated adjektiva without any reduction in intensity or strength. the storm was raging unabated Contoh unabate His love affair with music continues unabated as Mr. Isaacs provides training to young musicians at his home. If the property boom continues unabated during the next few months, the Bank could be forced to raise rates sooner …
Terjemahan dari solace nomina penghiburan consolation, solace, reassurance, entertainment, refuge hiburan entertainment, amusement, consolation, comfort, solace, pastime pelipur lara solace penghibur entertainer, comforter, consolation, entertainment, reassurance, solace verba menghibur entertain, comfort, amuse, console, cheer up, solace melipur console, entertain, solace, hearten Definisi solace nomina comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness. she …