Terjemahan dari mingle verba bergaul associate, mingle, interact, socialize, intercommunicate, assort bercampur mix, mingle, commingle, intermix, amalgamate, alloy bercampur aduk mingle, mix, intermix, commingle, alloy, amalgamate Definisi mingle verba mix or cause to mix together. the sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs sinonim: mix, blend, intermingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, …
Terjemahan dari smithy nomina bengkel pandai besi forge, smithy Definisi smithy nomina a blacksmith’s workshop; a forge. Sometimes, when someone mentions a blacksmith’s forge, I find myself instantaneously back in my childhood, visiting a local smithy . Sinonim nomina forge Contoh Whether you’re a master tailor, smithy , jeweler, alchemist or other master of a …
Levity artinya kesembrnoan atau sikap sembrono Beberapa kata yang berdekatan artinya : levity, carelessness, thoughtlessness, recklessness, negligence, flippancy Beberapa Contoh Kalimat : As bad and as damaging as this in-house report is, we are told that it was all a matter of levity and humour. One difference, however, is the note of realism and levity …
Terjemahan dari throng nomina kerumunan throng, huddle orang banyak crowd, multitude, throng, horde, plurality, host bondong throng, crowd, group jejalan throng orang gerombolan throng jumlah besar bulk, quantity, vast, multiplicity, reams, throng verba menjejali stuff, fill, throng memenuhi meet, fulfill, satisfy, comply, cater, throng adjektiva yg berkerumun congregate, throng penuh sesak crowded, packed, flush, tight, …
Terjemahan dari muddy adjektiva berlumpur muddy, sloppy, slimy, squashy, sludgy, turbid keruh turbid, cloudy, muddy, clouded, feculent, roily kotor dirty, filthy, gross, grubby, soiled, muddy bukat muddy, dirty kusam dull, faint, pallid, muddy, crepuscular, opaque jeblok muddy butek muddy, thick, troubled, turbid jember muddy, dirty bencah muddy lecah glutinous, muddy lecak muddy, slashy, ordinary berluluk …