Terjemahan dari grovel verba merendahkan diri descend, grovel, cringe, truckle, abase oneself, demean oneself menghinakan diri grovel menyembah-nyembah grovel nomina penghinaan diri grovel Definisi grovel verba lie or move abjectly on the ground with one’s face downward. she was groveling on the floor in fear sinonim: prostrate oneself, lie, kneel, cringe Sinonim verba prostrate oneself, …
Terjemahan dari rummage verba menggeledah search, rummage, ransack, frisk, comb, comb out mengubrak-abrik destroy, upset, rummage, root about membuka-buka leaf through, rummage nomina penggeledahan search, shakedown, searching, rummage, frisk, comb-out barang rombengan rummage, junk, trash, odds and ends, odd-come-shorts barang loakan junk, trash, odds and ends, rummage, odd-come-shorts barang rongsokan junk, trash, odds and ends, …
Terjemahan dari eloquent adjektiva fasih fluent, eloquent, glib, voluble, quick-witted pandai berpidato eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking pandai bicara eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking fasih bicara eloquent, voluble, quick-witted, silver-tongued penuh perasaan soulful, eloquent, lyrical, tasteful yg dpt berbicara lancar voluble, eloquent yg mengesankan memorable, impressive, prepossessing, effective, eloquent, showy Definisi eloquent adjektiva fluent or persuasive in speaking or …
a spoilsport A negative person who tends to ruin other people’s good times. Don’t let Joseph come on the Vegas trip, he’s only going to be a wet blanket and take the fun out of everything. Comments comments
Terjemahan dari reprimand nomina teguran warning, reprimand, reproof, admonition, wig, rowing cercaan insult, slur, lambasting, reprimand, censure, invective jeweran tweak, reprimand cerca lambasting, revilement, scorn, invective, snapper, reprimand verba menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, address mencercai snub, insult, offend, revile, rail, reprimand mencerca revile, insult, rail, reprimand, snub, offend mengomeli nag, reprimand, lecture, complain, …