Terjemahan dari malt nomina gandum terendam air malt Definisi malt verba convert (grain) into malt. barley is grown for malting Sinonim nomina malted milk, malted malt liquor Contoh So your best bets are brown rice syrup and barley malt , which are higher in nutrient content and are metabolized more slowly than white sugar. malt …
Terjemahan dari behoove verba harus need, will, be necessary to, behoove, be bound to, behove Definisi behoove verba it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something; it is incumbent on. it behooves any coach to study his predecessors sinonim: be incumbent on, be obligatory for, be required of, be expected of, be …
Terjemahan dari virtuous adjektiva berbudi luhur virtuous, noble, noble-minded, high-minded saleh pious, godly, devout, virtuous, religious, holy suci holy, sacred, pure, saintly, chaste, virtuous bajik virtuous, wholesome, good berbudi tinggi virtuous gunawan virtuous, noble, useful berbudi mulia noble, virtuous, noble-minded, high-minded Definisi virtuous adjektiva having or showing high moral standards. she considered herself very virtuous …
Terjemahan dari intrepid adjektiva pemberani intrepid berani brave, bold, daring, courageous, audacious, intrepid gagah dashing, handsome, gallant, strong, manly, intrepid Definisi intrepid adjektiva fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect). our intrepid reporter sinonim: fearless, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, bold, daring, gallant, audacious, adventurous, heroic, dynamic, spirited, indomitable, brave, courageous, valiant, valorous, stouthearted, …
Terjemahan dari eligible adjektiva pantas dipilih eligible yg dpt dipilih eligible, electable yg memenuhi syarat qualifying, eligible Definisi eligible adjektiva having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions. customers who are eligible for discounts sinonim: entitled, permitted, allowed, qualified, able Sinonim adjektiva entitled, permitted, allowed, qualified, able desirable, suitable, available, single, …