
Terjemahan dari occupy
occupy, take, fill, settle, infest, site
occupy, take, sit, place, infest, rank
inhabit, occupy, dwell, tenant
inhabit, live, occupy, populate, dwell, settle
stay, live, remain, reside, dwell, occupy
fill, charge, fill in, fill out, complete, occupy
meet, fulfill, satisfy, comply, cater, occupy
busy, occupy, stir up, incite
hold, take, keep, have, handle, occupy
use, apply, practice, draw upon, handle, occupy
mengambil tempat
occupy, take the stand
occupy, skin, flay, take over
memakan waktu
take, occupy
take place, go on, occur, be held, transpire, occupy
Definisi occupy
reside or have one’s place of business in (a building).
the apartment she occupies in Manhattan
sinonim: live in, inhabit, be the tenant of, lodge in, move into, take up residence in, make one’s home in, people, populate, settle, reside in, dwell in
fill or preoccupy (the mind or thoughts).
her mind was occupied with alarming questions
sinonim: engage, busy, employ, distract, absorb, engross, preoccupy, hold, interest, involve, entertain, amuse, divert
take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement.
the region was occupied by Britain during World War I
sinonim: capture, seize, take possession of, conquer, invade, overrun, take over, garrison, hold, annex, subjugate, colonize
  • live in, inhabit, be the tenant of, lodge in, move into, take up residence in, make one’s home in, people, populate, settle, reside in, dwell in
  • take up, fill, fill up, cover, use up
  • engage, busy, employ, distract, absorb, engross, preoccupy, hold, interest, involve, entertain,amuse, divert
  • capture, seize, take possession of, conquer, invade, overrun, take over, garrison, hold, annex,subjugate, colonize
  • lodge in, reside
  • busy
  • worry, concern, interest
  • absorb, engross, engage
  • take, use up
  • take, fill
  • invade
  • fill
Lebih sedikit sinonim
If military forces aggressively occupy an area, the power needed to operate water pumps and plants may not be available.
These are the kind of pointless questions that occupy the mind when you have nothing better to do.
The story of how middle-class women came to occupy this central position in dance is a complex one, but told often in the literature.
School was just something to fill the time, to occupy the space between Tommy and sleep.
The US military will continue to occupy the country, exercising powers amounting to martial law.
McAllister has more than enough to occupy him at club level.
They occupy their positions at the invitation of the president.
According to one rabbinic text, a scholar suggests that David will occupy a throne next to God.
The new law is designed for businesses which occupy premises, and not property owners.
on the corporate ladder, they occupy the lowest rungs
Protesters threatened to occupy the council building if legislators and the shoe company continue to ignore their demands.
If the professor has come out, he or she may unwillingly occupy a position of dual authority in the eyes of students.
This is one of the key areas for inward investment to improve the quality of both premises and the businesses that occupy them.
That question was to occupy my mind for some years, before I could finally come up with something.
‘I am used to working such long hours I shall need something to occupy me,’ he said.
Why should psychology occupy a central position at all levels of education?
You could name them, boycott them, occupy their offices and force them out of business.
He could not occupy the drawer space because it was filled with the props.
One-third of the 57 respondents occupy the position of CEO or president and the rest are vice-presidents or managers.
Dalen began asking her questions to occupy her mind.
I wouldn’t want to be president, or occupy any other high-ranking position.
For example, individuals who have been with the company longer may be more likely to occupy central positions in social networks.
But I have plenty of things to do that can pleasantly occupy me.
As teachers we occupy positions in relation to specific knowledges which are necessarily different.
Wenger has other problems to occupy him ahead of today’s Highbury meeting with Southampton.
Most firms are small, but are linked into networks in which a few large corporations (systems houses)occupy key positions.
Toward the end of the Middle Ages, a new type of individual began to occupy the position of shadchan – the paid professional.
As Kenya’s largest group, the Gikuyu occupy a central position in Kenyan social life.
The 2,833 lakes in Lithuania occupy about 1.5 percent of the surface area of the nation.
Here are some movie and artsite suggestions to occupy you.
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to occupy, forcibly occupy
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