Terjemahan dari snitch verba mengadu complain, pit, snitch, contest, fink, sneak mengadukan denounce, tell, tattle, snitch, squeal, charge mencuri steal, take, rob, swipe, pilfer, snitch nomina pengadu complainant, rounder, fink, plaintiff, snitch, tattletale hidung nose, snout, sneezer, snitch, boko, boco Definisi snitch nomina an informer. Well, being a snitch or an informant does not make …
Terjemahan dari cursory adjektiva sepintas lalu passing, cursory, casual, fleeting, fugacious singkat brief, shorter, concise, curt, succinct, cursory sambil lalu casual, cursory, circumstantial tanpa perhatian khusus cursory, perfunctory tergesa-gesa hurried, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, rash, cursory Definisi cursory adjektiva hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed. a cursory glance at the figures sinonim: perfunctory, desultory, casual, …
Terjemahan dari interminable adjektiva tak berkesudahan interminable yg tak berakhir interminable tak henti-hentinya unceasing, ceaseless, incessant, continuous, perpetual, interminable terus-menerus perpetual, chronic, continual, continued, continuing, interminable terus-terusan continual, continued, continuing, eternal, constant, interminable Definisi interminable adjektiva endless (often used hyperbolically). we got bogged down in interminable discussions sinonim: (seemingly) endless, never-ending, unending, nonstop, everlasting, ceaseless, …
Terjemahan dari zealous adjektiva tekun diligent, persevering, determined, keen, assiduous, zealous bersemangat sekali zealous, red-hot giat sekali zealous Definisi zealous adjektiva having or showing zeal. the council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations sinonim: fervent, ardent, fervid, fanatical, passionate, impassioned, devout, devoted, committed, dedicated, hard-core, enthusiastic, eager, keen, overkeen, avid, card-carrying, vigorous, …
Terjemahan dari vigil nomina penjagaan guard, custody, preservation, protection, surveillance, vigil hal berjaga-jaga vigil, wake Definisi vigil nomina a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray. my birdwatching vigils lasted for hours (in the Christian Church) the eve of a festival or holy day as an …