Terjemahan dari aid verba membantu help, assist, aid, support, help out, contribute menolong help, assist, rescue, aid, help out, succor menyokong support, sustain, bolster, advocate, favor, aid nomina bantuan help, assistance, aid, support, relief, assist pertolongan help, aid, relief, rescue, assistance, ministration pembantu maid, helper, servant, assistant, aide, aid penolong helper, aid, recourse, rescuer, assistant, …
Terjemahan dari cliche nomina kata klise cliche klise percetakan cliche Definisi cliché nomina a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. the old cliché “one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” sinonim: platitude, hackneyed phrase, commonplace, banality, old saying, maxim, truism, stock phrase, trite phrase, old chestnut a stereotype …
Terjemahan dari disrupt verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, annoy mengacaukan mess, disrupt, upset, clutter, confound, disturb menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, disrupt memutuskan decide, break, disconnect, determine, sever, disrupt memisahkan separate, split, divide, segregate, isolate, disrupt memecahbelah disunite, disrupt Definisi disrupt verba interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance …
Terjemahan dari trench nomina parit trench, ditch, moat, gully, gutter, canal parit perlindungan trench verba menggali dig, dig up, delve, excavate, probe, trench melindungi dgn parit trench Definisi trench nomina a long, narrow ditch. Although the analyses were undertaken in trenches parallel to the detrital-authigenic boundary, no decrease in ages was detected within the overgrowth. …
Terjemahan dari lurch nomina kecenderungan trend, tendency, inclination, propensity, predisposition, lurch kecondongan heeling, propensity, leaning, tendency, penchant, lurch verba menggelinding dgn tiba-tiba lurch bergerak dgn tiba-tiba whip, lurch maju dgn tiba-tiba lurch Definisi lurch nomina an abrupt uncontrolled movement, especially an unsteady tilt or roll. the boat gave a violent lurch , and he missed …