Terjemahan dari raff nomina sampah waste, garbage, trash, rubbish, litter, raff sampah masyarakat ragtag, crum, pariah, raff, the refuse of society, rout Comments comments
Contoh helluva Discussing books with your friend is one helluva exercise, I tell ya. It’s a wide open race and I think it’s a good thing because it’s turning into a helluva show. That’s a helluva lot of money for one member of Congress from one small company. I realised I’d just seen a really …
Terjemahan dari mugger nomina perampok robber, mugger, brigand, hijacker, footpad, marauder buaya crocodile, alligator, mugger pembegal robber, harrier, spoliator, yegg, mugger, hijacker Definisi mugger nomina a person who attacks and robs another in a public place. They are burglars, dealers, vandals, thugs, muggers , arsonists, a menace to society. a large short-snouted Indian crocodile, venerated …
Terjemahan dari imperturbable adjektiva tenang sekali imperturbable, dead calm, cold-livered yg tak dpt diganggu unflappable, imperturbable Definisi imperturbable adjektiva unable to be upset or excited; calm. an imperturbable tranquility sinonim: self-possessed, composed, calm, cool, and collected, coolheaded, self-controlled, serene, relaxed, unexcitable, even-tempered, placid, phlegmatic, unperturbed, unflustered, unruffled, unflappable, unfazed, nonplussed, laid-back, equanimous Sinonim adjektiva self-possessed, …
Terjemahan dari felony nomina kejahatan besar felony Definisi felony nomina a crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death. he pleaded guilty to six felonies Contoh In the great majority of cases in which death ensues as a …