
Terjemahan dari virtuous
berbudi luhur
virtuous, noble, noble-minded, high-minded
pious, godly, devout, virtuous, religious, holy
holy, sacred, pure, saintly, chaste, virtuous
virtuous, wholesome, good
berbudi tinggi
virtuous, noble, useful
berbudi mulia
noble, virtuous, noble-minded, high-minded
Definisi virtuous
having or showing high moral standards.
she considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked
  • righteous, good, pure, whiter than white, saintly, angelic, moral, ethical, upright, upstanding,high-minded, principled, exemplary, law-abiding, irreproachable, blameless, guiltless,unimpeachable, immaculate, honest, honorable, reputable, laudable, decent, respectable,noble, worthy, meritorious, squeaky clean
  • virginal, virgin, vestal, pure
Indeed, a parent who made his love conditional upon a child’s maintaining some particular standard ofvirtuous behavior would be rightly regarded as something of a monster.
The women’s critique broke down views of virtue and vice that associated smoke with virtuousmasculine industriousness and clean air with vicious feminized luxury.
Arthurian quests in the name of chivalry, knight-errants fighting for the love and honor of a virtuouswoman lose out in these Arthurian storylines to Arthur’s subduing of countless lands.
That’s why part of the school’s mission is to build ‘a diverse, virtuous and moral America,’ he said.
He is a virtuous , moral man with dignity and strength, not the mild-mannered pushover of decades past.
He presented himself as an honest and virtuous man, a spokesman for the outsiders in society.
The consummation, the crowning glory of a well-lived life, happiness would be granted only to the worthy, the virtuous , the god-like happy few.
For one thing, the sanctimonious sermons by journalists about how virtuous and upstanding they are make them easy to detest.
These guidelines state that if physicians must be moral and virtuous , the associations representing them must exhibit the same qualities and be seen to be acting in an altruistic fashion.
The first few pages of the letter reflect the virtuous principles that a mother would try to inculcate into her daughter in the 18th century.
Both serials harked back to a period when men were heroic, women were virtuous and times were better.
Another feature of ceremonial discourse is that it will praise the virtuous and the good because it is designed for its receiver’s pleasure.
Understanding the way karma works, we seek to live a good and virtuous life through right thought, right speech and right action.
Virgos are virtuous , ethical and kind-hearted.
Many have thought that having certain emotions is an important part of what it is to be a virtuousmoral agent.
Faithful Emilia died, still calmly defending Desdemona’s innocence and proclaiming her love for thevirtuous woman.
The price of a virtuous woman, says Proverbs, is more than that of rubies.
I, for one, from reading the Book of Job and having knowledge about the Eightfold Path would know that I have done the right thing by being virtuous since it would aid me in achieving nirvana.
Should applications of technology be socially virtuous by any standard?
I’ve seen Titanic enough times to know that rich people are fatuous and greedy, while poor people are noble and virtuous .
Athlete behavior is meant to be exemplary and virtuous and sustain the rags to riches myths of successful sports stars from humble origins.
Being virtuous means knowing the right time, place, circumstance, and manner in which to be courageous.
It’s hypocritical in the sense that these people all lie yet proclaim themselves virtuous and honest, yes.
Shakespeare places a high value upon chastity, but he does not go so far as some of his contemporaries who thought that virtuous women had no physical desires.
Religions and true religious leaders have always motivated us to indulge only in noble thoughts andvirtuous actions.
During the 1950s the evil of communism was invariably defined by the virtuousness of its enemies.
In much of today’s Western culture, virtuousness is primarily associated with exaggerated propriety, but in past centuries virtue was of immense importance as a pivotal principle of religious, ethical and political thought.
Luke’s innocence and virtuousness are emphasized in comparison to Hans’ rugged masculine physical appearance, his morally ambiguous occupation and mercenary ideologies.
Anyway, this friend was asking me what had set me on the road to financial virtuousness (!) because, she confessed, she was rather hopeless with money herself and didn’t know how to stop running up her credit card.
We often act charitably or virtuously because we want to be seen that way – it’s a pose, a self-projection, a part of our image management.
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