
Terjemahan dari vituperative
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vituperative, defamatory, detractive, detractory, objurgatory, calumniatory
Definisi vituperative
bitter and abusive.
the criticism soon turned into a vituperative attack
Professors shouldn’t be singling out students in vituperative emails.
Owing in large part to his frequent vituperative attacks on corporate America, he has so far not found much favor among institutional investors.
Moreover, the Liberals had just recently established a website feature attacking Conservatives invituperative terms and claiming sole responsibility for attempts to save the centre.
His vituperative attacks have not made him a terribly popular figure on many campuses these days.
And I asked her the other night on this show why she thought people were so vituperative about her.
Someone who works for my company was rather famously sacked recently for blogging about his work, and not even in a seriously vituperative way – just an occasional mild grizzle.
The attacks on Australian judges in recent times have become more vituperative , more sustained and more intensely personal.
Consequently, statements that merely express opinion are not actionable as defamation, no matter how offensive, vituperative or unreasonable they may be.
Its lush harmonic arrangements conceal some vituperative and downright nasty lyrics, delivered in a deceptively deadpan manner.
While I’m glad you stated your opinions without recourse to any name-calling or vituperative outbursts, I’m sorry to have to lay down the cards and tell you that you’re flat out dead wrong.
His crude and vituperative language in exchanges with the Lord Chief Justice have bordered on a rejection of the rule of law.
The assembly meeting was the scene of vituperative attacks on any attempt to mitigate the consequences of the victory.
I thought it was one of those vituperative , ugly personal hate contributions I sometimes get which make me feel ill all day.
Her poems could be cajoling and vituperative , making love and war simultaneously, her sensual lyrics cohabiting with performance pieces.
But it became more vituperative , more personal, didn’t it, Mark?
A working-class boy who got to Oxford and was called to the bar, the 68-year-old never acquired the knack of political subtlety or a public tone of voice which was less than vituperative .
He is known as a vindictive, vituperative , nasty, brutish political boss – but now we learn that he’s also a pathetic cry baby.
Yet working-class people and lifestyles are subject to vituperative attacks.
Finally, even I was struck into amazed silence by the vituperative and downright nasty anti-festive sentiments contained in the latest missive from the boys.
In an editorial in the November issue the editor admits that the readers’ responses to this article had been numerous, negative, and often vituperative .
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