Terjemahan dari cursory adjektiva sepintas lalu passing, cursory, casual, fleeting, fugacious singkat brief, shorter, concise, curt, succinct, cursory sambil lalu casual, cursory, circumstantial tanpa perhatian khusus cursory, perfunctory tergesa-gesa hurried, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, rash, cursory Definisi cursory adjektiva hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed. a cursory glance at the figures sinonim: perfunctory, desultory, casual, …
Terjemahan dari bait nomina umpan bait, decoy, fodder, forage, enticement, victim verba memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, bait mengumpani bait, entice menyerang attack, strike, assault, strike out, assail, bait menyiksa torture, torment, punish, strain, persecute, bait Definisi bait nomina food used to entice fish or other animals as prey. herrings make excellent bait for …
Terjemahan dari maudlin adjektiva cengeng maudlin, mushy, sloppy, fractious, mawkish mudah terharu maudlin, mawkish, sentimental, soppy Definisi maudlin adjektiva self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness. the drink made her maudlin sinonim: sentimental, oversentimental, emotional, overemotional, tearful, lachrymose, weepy, misty-eyed; mawkish, sentimental, oversweet, oversentimental, tearjerker, tearjerking, mushy, slushy, sloppy, schmaltzy, cheesy, corny, soppy, cornball, three-hankie …
Terjemahan dari fractious adjektiva cengeng maudlin, mushy, sloppy, fractious, mawkish rongseng irritable, fractious, wicked, sullen, sulky yg suka mengomel nagging, fractious, querulous mudah tersinggung squeamish, choleric, touchy, testy, delicate, fractious marah-marah disagreeable, grumpy, fractious, in a huff, morose Definisi fractious adjektiva (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome. they fight and squabble like fractious children sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari delve verba menggali dig, dig up, delve, excavate, probe, extract menyelidiki investigate, explore, probe, delve, inquire, find out mempelajari learn, study, delve, take up, read up, go into menyelami dive into, delve, see through, penetrate, dive for Definisi delve verba reach inside a receptacle and search for something. she delved in her pocket …