Terjemahan dari thrive verba berkembang evolve, thrive, flourish, progress, bloom, unfold maju advance, progress, go forward, go ahead, come forward, thrive berhasil succeed, manage, be successful, work out, thrive, be a success tumbuh dgn subur flourish, thrive Definisi thrive verba (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously. the new baby …
Terjemahan dari patrimony nomina warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom harta warisan nenek moyang patrimony Definisi patrimony nomina property inherited from one’s father or male ancestor. The modern official formation of the Japanese canon of cultural patrimony dates back to the first cultural protection law of 1871. Sinonim nomina heritage, inheritance, birthright, legacy, bequest, …
Terjemahan dari litigant nomina penggugat plaintiff, litigant, prosecutor, contestant penuntut prosecutor, claimant, plaintiff, complainant, student, litigant pihak yg berperkara litigant Definisi litigant nomina a person involved in a lawsuit. So judges and magistrates are not subject to litigation from disgruntled litigants . adjektiva involved in a lawsuit. the parties litigant Sinonim nomina litigator Contoh I …
Terjemahan dari nucleus nomina inti core, essence, nucleus, heart, kernel, gist pangkal butt, beginning, cause, origin, nucleus, base point permulaan beginning, start, onset, commencement, outset, nucleus dasar base, basis, foundation, bottom, fundamental, nucleus kern nucleus Definisi nucleus nomina the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its …
Terjemahan dari mate nomina pasangan pair, partner, mate, duo, set, counterpart suami husband, man, spouse, mate, consort, yokefellow rekan colleague, associate, companion, mate, friend, comrade teman friend, companion, mate, comrade, associate, compeer jodoh mate, partner istri wife, spouse, woman, consort, housewife, mate betina female, cow, slut, mate, woman jantan cock, stag, tom, mate perwira kapal …