Terjemahan dari breakthrough nomina penerobosan breakthrough, breach pemecahan solution, resolution, breaking, splitting, breakthrough, fission Definisi breakthrough nomina a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development. a major breakthrough in DNA research sinonim: advance, development, step forward, success, improvement, discovery, innovation, revolution, progress, headway Sinonim break through nomina advance, development, step forward, success, improvement, discovery, innovation,revolution, …
Terjemahan dari pernicious adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, pernicious buruk bad, poor, shabby, ill, nasty, pernicious yg merugikan prejudicial, injurious, calamitous, adverse, damnific, pernicious yg merusak baneful, mordant, detrimental, pestilential, deleterious, pernicious Definisi pernicious adjektiva having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. the pernicious influences of the mass media …
Menggugah Definisi evocative adjektiva bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. powerfully evocative lyrics sinonim: reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving, poignant Sinonim adjektiva reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving,poignant redolent, resonant, reminiscent, remindful Contoh This image is perhaps the most detailed and least evocative of those on …
Terjemahan dari inebriate nomina pemabuk drunk, drunkard, guzzler, drinker, sot, inebriate verba memabukkan intoxicate, stupefy, inebriate, drug, fuddle, tipsify Definisi inebriate nomina a drunkard. Philostratus in turn described Andros as a land of Cockaigne for inebriates . verba make (someone) drunk; intoxicate. The old man was not inebriated or hurt by a passing vehicle. adjektiva …
Terjemahan dari nucleus nomina inti core, essence, nucleus, heart, kernel, gist pangkal butt, beginning, cause, origin, nucleus, base point permulaan beginning, start, onset, commencement, outset, nucleus dasar base, basis, foundation, bottom, fundamental, nucleus kern nucleus Definisi nucleus nomina the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its …