be fully acquaintance with procedure Comments comments
Terjemahan dari annual adjektiva tahunan annual, yearly, perennial, anniversary, Etesian tiap tahun annual nomina buku tahunan yearbook, annual tanaman tahunan annual Definisi annual adjektiva occurring once every year. the union’s annual conference sinonim: yearly, once-a-year, every twelve months, year-end nomina a book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but …
Terjemahan dari drone nomina dengung buzz, hum, drone, purr dengungan buzz, hum, drone, purr, propaganda gemuruh rumble, thunder, peal, drone, din, crasher lebah jantan drone pemalas idler, slacker, sluggard, lazy person, lazybones, drone verba berdengung buzz, drone berbicara dgn membosankan drone, prose Definisi drone nomina a low continuous humming sound. he nodded off to the …
Terjemahan dari condescend verba berkenan deign, condescend, agree, hold with berlagak swank, pose, show off, profess, gasconade, condescend jual lagak condescend, bridle up menurunkan martabat abase, condescend, stoop, down-grade bersikap melindungi condescend ramah thd bawahan condescend Definisi condescend verba show feelings of superiority; be patronizing. take care not to condescend to your reader sinonim: patronize, …
Terjemahan dari adroit adjektiva gesit agile, nimble, mobile, adroit, spry, active cerdas intelligent, smart, clever, discerning, bright, adroit pandai clever, good, intelligent, proficient, versed, adroit cerdik dodgy, clever, astute, cunning, canny, adroit cekatan deft, nimble, workmanlike, agile, handy, adroit cakap capable, competent, good, skilled, able, adroit tangkas agile, swift, dexterous, nimble, competent, adroit lihai shrewd, …