
Terjemahan dari triumph
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victory, win, triumph, winning, glory, laurel
success, triumph, fruitfulness
result, outcome, yield, product, proceeds, triumph
win, prevail, triumph, beat, cinch, gain
succeed, manage, be successful, work out, thrive, triumph
Definisi triumph
a great victory or achievement.
a garden built to celebrate Napoleon’s many triumphs
sinonim: victory, win, conquest, success, achievement, feat, accomplishment
the processional entry of a victorious general into ancient Rome.
Such was the fate of the Vandal king, Gelimir, paraded through Constantinople in 534 in a procession evoking the triumphs of ancient Rome.
achieve a victory; be successful.
spectacle has once again triumphed over content
sinonim: win, succeed, come first, clinch first place, be victorious, carry the day, prevail, take the honors, come out on top; defeat, beat, conquer, trounce, vanquish, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, get the better of, bring someone to their knees, prevail against, subdue, subjugate, lick, best
(of a Roman general) ride into ancient Rome after a victory.
Caesar triumphed at Rome four times in the same month, with a few days between each triumph.
  • victory, win, conquest, success, achievement, feat, accomplishment
  • jubilation, exultation, elation, delight, joy, happiness, glee, pride, satisfaction
  • tour de force, masterpiece, coup, wonder, sensation, master stroke, feat
  • victory
  • win, succeed, come first, clinch first place, be victorious, carry the day, prevail, take the honors, come out on top
  • rejoice, wallow
  • gloat, crow
  • exuberate, rejoice, jubilate, exult
  • prevail
Lebih sedikit sinonim
This exhibition is a triumph of painting indeed.
So the Jacobite army entered London in triumph .
Nevertheless, I do get a sense from the trailer of a resounding triumph and victory when all is said and done.
In this alone it stands as a triumph of contrarianism.
Now the construction, known as Fishgate, stands proudly at the gateway to the city – a triumph of modern architecture and a symbol of the area’s fishing heritage.
“Here it is!” Helen’s voice rose in triumph
He punched the air in triumph as I passed him his towel.
Octavian went ahead with his triumph , when the procession through Rome bore an image of Cleopatra with a snake ostentatiously clamped to her arm.
After several months of floods, gales, tantrums, and boisterous whisky parties, he returned in triumphto a London which was already agog at his endeavour.
He returned to Rome in 166, when he and Marcus celebrated a triumph together.
This book is a triumph of self-effacing scholarship.
The two singers also won the nation’s heart; their beautiful voices and endearing characters had viewers weeping tears of joy as they sang in triumph .
Whatever the meaning, the painting is a small knockout, a triumph of the allegorical imagination.
It was a triumph of organisation and entertainment, a crowd-pleaser from start to finish and an event that will ensure the golfing status of Fota Island as a matter of course.
They returned to the palace, tired, weary, and many fewer than they had started out with, but flushed with the triumph of victory.
His mission is only to arrange a cease-fire so that the President may pull his army out of the cities intriumph without having offered any concessions to them.
The Party’s third election victory was a triumph over the media class.
Last night, he returned to parliament, in triumph .
Prokofiev conceived it ‘as a symphony of the greatness of human spirit’; a triumph of victory over adversity at the end of the Second World War.
Her victory was an unlikely triumph for a woman who lay backstage crying before the curtain had even gone up.
When that came to a crashing halt, he raised his arms in triumph , much to the delight of the audience.
It’s fresh, a triumph of spirit, like spring sun undeterred by dirt-encrusted windows, first breath of morning against your naked spine.
Agricola circumnavigated the island, was ordered to Rome, and celebrated his triumph .
By rights, the tent should have been half full; instead it was rammed, proof that despite the sniping from the music press, Travis had mobilised an army and returned to their home patch in triumph .
Jason simply brushed his hands together and smiled in triumph .
Twenty-four years on a play written by a Knockmore man to commemorate the 21st anniversary of thetriumph has achieved the same level of acclaim as the team that inspired it.
It is a triumph of modern technology and construction and an example of the best collaboration between engineering and architecture.
The victory was a tactical triumph for the German, who started a season-low sixth on the grid.
The rider cries out in exultation, arms up in triumph .
In triumph , he picks people up, hugs them, shouts with glee; in defeat, his face carries a frightening scowl and the pearly teeth disappear from view.
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