cuddle artinya mengemong, atau memeluk dengan penuh kasih sayang Contoh Kalimat : The revised plans for the block have been posted in an obscure place which only the people parking their cars for a quick kiss and a cuddle will see. Actually, what she means is that she thinks I’m a sucker for a …
Terjemahan dari patrimony nomina warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom harta warisan nenek moyang patrimony Definisi patrimony nomina property inherited from one’s father or male ancestor. The modern official formation of the Japanese canon of cultural patrimony dates back to the first cultural protection law of 1871. Sinonim nomina heritage, inheritance, birthright, legacy, bequest, …
Terjemahan dari prodigal adjektiva boros extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse royal generous, extravagant, lavish, prodigal, unsparing, wasteful limpah affluent, abundant, overflow, prodigal nomina pemboros spender, waster, spendthrift, wastrel, prodigal, profligate Definisi prodigal adjektiva spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant. prodigal habits die hard sinonim: wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, profligate, improvident, imprudent having …
Terjemahan dari precise adjektiva tepat right, appropriate, proper, exact, precise, correct persis exact, precise, literal, plumb teliti thorough, careful, conscientious, rigorous, precise, accurate saksama thorough, accurate, precise, painstaking, thoroughgoing, scrupulous pas fit, fitted, exact, precise, true, close-fitting Definisi precise adjektiva marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail. precise directions sinonim: exact, accurate, correct, …
Terjemahan dari exonerate verba membebaskan free, release, liberate, relieve, deliver, exonerate membuktikan tdk bersalah exonerate melepaskan dr tuduhan exonerate melepaskan dr celaan exonerate Definisi exonerate verba (especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case. the court-martial exonerated me sinonim: absolve, clear, acquit, …