Terjemahan dari cardigan nomina baju wol berkancing di depan cardigan Definisi cardigan nomina a knitted sweater fastening down the front, typically with long sleeves. But in reality, knitwear is so much more than that – it includes a wide array of pullovers, turtlenecks and cardigans , among other items. Contoh I am planning to knit …
Terjemahan dari infraction nomina pelanggaran violation, offense, breach, infringement, foul, infraction Definisi infraction nomina a violation or infringement of a law, agreement, or set of rules. Punishment is meted out to the offender because this is what he deserves in response to his infraction of the criminal law. sinonim: violation, contravention, breach, transgression, infringement, offense, …
Terjemahan dari dwindle verba berkurang diminish, reduce, lessen, dwindle, ease, subside menyusut shrink, dwindle, wane, recede, subside, wipe merosot slump, decline, degenerate, sink, slip, dwindle menjadi kecil grow dim, dwindle Definisi dwindle verba diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength. traffic has dwindled to a trickle sinonim: diminish, decrease, reduce, lessen, shrink, fall off, tail …
Tanding Ulang Definisi rematch nomina a second match or game between two teams or players. The first playoff game saw a rematch of their last round-robin game against the Brokenhead team from Red Deer. Sinonim nomina replay Contoh Tuesday night, in a rematch with the Nets, he scored 27 points and led the Wizards to …
Terjemahan dari begrudge verba iri begrudge, covet, grudge iri hati covet, grudge, begrudge menyesalkan regret, deplore, chagrin, reproach, begrudge, rue Definisi begrudge verba envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something). she begrudged Martin his affluence sinonim: envy, resent, grudge give reluctantly or resentfully. nobody begrudges a single penny spent on health sinonim: resent, feel …