Enaknya Definisi delish adjektiva delicious. The meat itself was fall-off-the-bone good, tender as can be, and served with a delish pale orange swirl of mashed potato and carrot, seasoned with a dash of cinnamon for dramatic effect. Contoh No need to ditch the chocolate chips always and forever, but regularly substituting something like fruit or …
Terjemahan dari chummy adjektiva akrab familiar, intimate, close, chummy, great, fast karib intimate, chummy, fast Definisi chummy adjektiva on friendly terms; friendly. she’s become pretty chummy with Ted lately sinonim: friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy Sinonim adjektiva friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy buddy-buddy, thick pally, …
Terjemahan dari malady nomina penyakit disease, illness, sickness, ailment, ill, malady Definisi malady nomina a disease or ailment. an incurable malady sinonim: illness, sickness, disease, infection, ailment, disorder, complaint, indisposition, affliction, infirmity, syndrome, bug, virus Sinonim nomina illness, sickness, disease, infection, ailment, disorder, complaint, indisposition, affliction,infirmity, syndrome, bug, virus illness, unwellness, sickness Contoh Maybe mad …
Terjemahan dari barely adverbia baru saja just, recently, newly, freshly, just now, barely sedikit saja barely hampir tdk hardly, faintly, scant, scantily, scarce, barely baru tadi just, newly, just now, latterly, recently, barely baru-baru ini just, just now, recently, a moment ago, latterly, barely baru-baru saja just, just now, recently, a moment ago, latterly, barely …
Terjemahan dari jovial adjektiva periang jovial, cheery, gay, corky, jaunty, volatile baik hati dan gembira jovial Definisi jovial adjektiva cheerful and friendly. she was in a jovial mood sinonim: cheerful, jolly, happy, cheery, good-humored, convivial, genial, good-natured, friendly, amiable, affable, sociable, outgoing, smiling, merry, sunny, joyful, joyous, high-spirited, exuberant, chipper, chirpy, perky, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, …