Delinquent artinya nakal, jahat, atau badung Contoh Kalimat Untuk Pemahaman : In his half-mast trousers, short-cut jacket and spiky wig, he looks like a delinquent Jack Horner. Lower provisions for delinquent loans also helped. The truth is, we’re just beginning the real descent into Lawsuit Hell – a place where average citizens injured by …
do something in a cursory manner Comments comments
Terjemahan dari defy verba menentang oppose, defy, resist, go against, confront, argue menantang challenge, defy, brave, outdare membantah argue, deny, dispute, disprove, rebut, defy melanggar violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, defy tahan menghadapi defy Definisi defy verba openly resist or refuse to obey. a woman who defies convention sinonim: disobey, go against, flout, fly in …
Terjemahan dari instigate verba menghasut incite, instigate, stir up, provoke, foment, bolster mendesak urge, insist, push, press, demand, instigate menggosok rub, scrub, polish, scour, wipe, instigate memberangsangkan make angry, instigate, incite menganjurkan recommend, advocate, encourage, suggest, advise, instigate memprovokasi provoke, instigate Definisi instigate verba bring about or initiate (an action or event). they instigated a …
Terjemahan dari recent adjektiva baru new, recent, fresh, novel, modern, span-new belakangan ini recent aktuil current, recent, topical buncit distended, bloated, last, bulging, recent, pregnant yg baru terjadi recent, topical baru-baru recent, late Definisi recent adjektiva having happened, begun, or been done not long ago or not long before; belonging to a past period of …