moist, humid, damp, dank, soggy, clumsy
humid, moist
a hot and humid day
moist, humid, damp, dank, soggy, clumsy
humid, moist
a hot and humid day
Terjemahan dari slather verba memboros slather, tine, misspend, sport, slattern melumasi dgn lapis tebal slather memboroskan waste, squander, throw away, burn, misspend, slather nomina jumlah besar bulk, quantity, vast, multiplicity, reams, slather Definisi slather verba spread or smear (a substance) thickly or liberally. slather on some tanning lotion nomina a large amount of something. slathers …
Terjemahan dari appease verba menenangkan calm, soothe, appease, quiet, pacify, compose meredakan ease, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, calm, appease menenteramkan reassure, calm, pacify, placate, appease, rest memenuhi tuntutan appease menyanjungkan praise, appease Definisi appease verba pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands. amendments have been added to appease local pressure groups sinonim: conciliate, placate, …
Definisi unabated adjektiva without any reduction in intensity or strength. the storm was raging unabated Contoh unabate His love affair with music continues unabated as Mr. Isaacs provides training to young musicians at his home. If the property boom continues unabated during the next few months, the Bank could be forced to raise rates sooner …
Terjemahan dari tempt verba menggoda tempt, tease, seduce, vamp, tantalize, lure mengumpan lure, tempt membujuk persuade, coax, entice, induce, lure, tempt menguji test, examine, verify, try, quiz, tempt Definisi tempt verba entice or attempt to entice (someone) to do or acquire something that they find attractive but know to be wrong or not beneficial. don’t …
Terjemahan dari suffix nomina akhiran suffix, termination, flexion, flection, terminal, variation sufiks suffix, particle Definisi suffix nomina a morpheme added at the end of a word to form a derivative, e.g., -ation , -fy , -ing , -itis. But the Eskimoan language group uses an extraordinary system of multiple, recursively addable derivational suffixes for word …