1) A story of Greek legend, in which tyrant Dionysius II of Syracuse showed Damocles the dangers of being “fortunate” by allowing him to sit in his throne while a sword hung over him held only by a singe strand of hair. 2) An ever-present threat that can destroy one’s good fortunes at any moment. …
Terjemahan dari wander verba mengembara wander, roam, rogue, stray, range, itinerate berkelana wander, roam, rove, knock about menyimpang deviate, stray, diverge, depart, sheer, wander hanyut float, wander, float off berkeluyuran wander, mosey, gad, gad about, muck about, gallivant meleler wander, drip melarat wander, be protracted, drag mengeluyur dawdle, wander, loaf, hang about, drift, straggle membatak …
Terjemahan dari mate nomina pasangan pair, partner, mate, duo, set, counterpart suami husband, man, spouse, mate, consort, yokefellow rekan colleague, associate, companion, mate, friend, comrade teman friend, companion, mate, comrade, associate, compeer jodoh mate, partner istri wife, spouse, woman, consort, housewife, mate betina female, cow, slut, mate, woman jantan cock, stag, tom, mate perwira kapal …
Terjemahan dari blunt adjektiva tumpul blunt, dull, obtuse, torpid, slow-witted puntul dull, blunt majal dull, blunt bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, dumb, ignorant, blunt guntung smooth, flat, blunt, level, short puntung crippled, mutilated, blunt amat kasar blunt kurang sopan irreverent, mannerless, impertinent, pert, offhanded, blunt amat dungu blunt blak-blakan blunt, outspoken, free-spoken, forthright tanpa basa-basi bluff, …
Terjemahan dari chasm nomina jurang gap, ravine, gorge, cliff, chasm, brink perbedaan difference, distinction, discrepancy, diversity, divergence, chasm ngarai canyon, ravine, precipice, chasm, hope retak yg dalam chasm Definisi chasm nomina a deep fissure in the earth, rock, or another surface. The movie also shows a panoramic view of the mountains, deep chasms and valleys …