Terjemahan dari crummy adjektiva tdk bagus crummy, inurbane yg tdk memuaskan unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, lame, pitiful, crummy Definisi crummy adjektiva dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality. a crummy little room Sinonim adjektiva punk, bum, sleazy, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, tinny Contoh I’m having a crummy week so far and it’s only Tuesday. I began going to the …
Terjemahan dari torment verba menyiksa torture, torment, punish, strain, persecute, rack menyengsarakan torment mengazab torment, persecute membosankan bore, weary, pall, fag, tire, torment menjemukan bore, drag, cloy, feed up, pall, torment nomina siksa torment, chastisement, rack penyiksaan torture, persecution, torment penganiayaan persecution, torture, mistreatment, maltreatment, molestation, torment azab punishment, torment kesengsaraan misery, woes, suffering, tribulation, …
Terjemahan dari vitriolic adjektiva pedas spicy, scathing, hot, pungent, scalding, vitriolic sangat tajam vitriolic Definisi vitriolic adjektiva filled with bitter criticism or malice. vitriolic attacks on the politicians sinonim: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, trenchant, virulent, spiteful, savage, venomous, poisonous, malicious, splenetic, nasty, mean, cruel, unkind, harsh, hostile, vindictive, vicious, scathing, barbed, wounding, sharp, …
Terjemahan dari swipe nomina babatan swipe pemukul beater, hammer, mallet, swipe, bludgeon pukulan keras smasher, whack, wallop, thwack, whacker, swipe verba mencuri steal, take, rob, swipe, pilfer, scrounge menggait rake off, wheedle, dupe, pull, rake in, swipe menyikat brush, brush off, swipe, wipe out, comb, curry memukul dgn keras slog, swipe, thump, swat minum dgn …
Terjemahan dari bachelor nomina bujangan bachelor, stag, celibacy, celibate, celibatarian bujang bachelor, servant, flunky, footman, celibate, lackey jejaka youth, bachelor sarjana muda baccalaureate, bachelor, postgraduate jaka bachelor laki-laki yg belum kawin bachelor laki-laki yg belum menikah bachelor Definisi bachelor nomina a man who is not and has never been married. Mark is a confirmed bachelor …