Terjemahan dari homicide nomina pembunuhan murder, killing, assassination, homicide, decimation, thuggery pembunuh killer, murderer, assassin, slayer, homicide, assassinator Definisi homicide nomina the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder. he was charged with homicide sinonim: murder, killing, slaughter, butchery, massacre, assassination, execution, extermination, patricide, matricide, infanticide, slaying Sinonim nomina murder, killing, slaughter, …
Terjemahan dari inquisitor nomina jaksa pengadilan inquisitor Definisi inquisitor nomina a person making an inquiry, especially one seen to be excessively harsh or searching. the professional inquisitors of the press Sinonim nomina interrogator Contoh Well, the inquisitor in our party was curious about the specifics of the policy, and jokingly needled the ranger about the …
Terjemahan dari surfeit nomina kejenuhan saturation, surfeit, satiation, satiety, overfullness kekenyangan glut, satiety, satiation, surfeit kelebihan excess, surplus, redundancy, superiority, overage, surfeit kejemuan boredom, satiety, surfeit, bellyful, satiation muak nausea, queasiness, bellyful, qualm, qualmishness, surfeit mual nausea, queasiness, bellyful, qualm, qualmishness, surfeit verba makan sampai jenuh surfeit Definisi surfeit nomina an excessive amount of something. …
Terjemahan dari litigant nomina penggugat plaintiff, litigant, prosecutor, contestant penuntut prosecutor, claimant, plaintiff, complainant, student, litigant pihak yg berperkara litigant Definisi litigant nomina a person involved in a lawsuit. So judges and magistrates are not subject to litigation from disgruntled litigants . adjektiva involved in a lawsuit. the parties litigant Sinonim nomina litigator Contoh I …
Terjemahan dari inclusion nomina penyertaan participation, inclusion, addition pemasukan income, inclusion, importation, introduction, influx, entering pencantuman inclusion termasuknya inclusion Definisi inclusion nomina the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. federal legislation now mandates the inclusion of students who are English language learners a body or particle recognizably …