Lenient artinya lunak, sabar, toleran, lemah lembut Contoh Kalimat : Engineering sector lawmaker Raymond Ho said the punishment meted out was too lenient . Dance companies are more lenient about tattoos than you might expect, and certainly more so than they once were. A journalist in Melbourne wrote a column suggesting that a local magistrate …
Terjemahan dari thrive verba berkembang evolve, thrive, flourish, progress, bloom, unfold maju advance, progress, go forward, go ahead, come forward, thrive berhasil succeed, manage, be successful, work out, thrive, be a success tumbuh dgn subur flourish, thrive Definisi thrive verba (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously. the new baby …
Terjemahan dari forge verba menempa forge, fuller, strike off memalsukan falsify, forge, fabricate, fake, counterfeit, adulterate meniru imitate, mimic, emulate, copy, duplicate, forge memadu fuse, forge, unite, join, agree, fuze memimpin lead, head, preside, guide, conduct, forge mengarang-ngarang concoct, fabricate, forge, make up nomina bengkel pandai besi forge, smithy tempat bekerja pandai besi forge Definisi …
Terjemahan dari mendacious adjektiva berdusta mendacious yg suka berbohong mendacious Definisi mendacious adjektiva not telling the truth; lying. mendacious propaganda sinonim: lying, untruthful, dishonest, deceitful, false, dissembling, insincere, disingenuous, hypocritical, fraudulent, double-dealing, two-faced, Janus-faced, two-timing, duplicitous, perjured, untrue, fictitious, falsified, fabricated, fallacious, invented, made up, full of crap, perfidious Sinonim adjektiva lying, untruthful, dishonest, deceitful, …
Terjemahan dari derelict adjektiva lalai negligent, remiss, neglectful, lax, derelict, slack yg ditinggalkan abandoned, derelict, desert, deserted, forsaken, lorn nomina orang terlantar displaced person, derelict kapal yg ditinggalkan derelict Definisi derelict adjektiva in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect. the cities were derelict and dying sinonim: dilapidated, ramshackle, run-down, tumbledown, …