Terjemahan dari redolent adjektiva harum fragrant, redolent yg berbau keras redolent, stinking Definisi redolent adjektiva strongly reminiscent or suggestive of (something). names redolent of history and tradition fragrant or sweet-smelling. a rich, inky, redolent wine sinonim: evocative, suggestive, reminiscent Sinonim adjektiva evocative, suggestive, reminiscent smelling resonant, reminiscent, remindful, evocative aromatic Lebih sedikit sinonim Contoh The …
Hesitation because of fear Comments comments
Terjemahan dari imprudent adjektiva lalai negligent, remiss, neglectful, lax, derelict, imprudent tdk berhati-hati imprudent, hell-bent, incautious, indiscreet tdk hati-hati inadvertent, inobservant, imprudent, remiss, off guard Definisi imprudent adjektiva not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash. it would be imprudent to leave her winter coat behind sinonim: unwise, injudicious, incautious, indiscreet, misguided, ill-advised, …
Terjemahan dari aid verba membantu help, assist, aid, support, help out, contribute menolong help, assist, rescue, aid, help out, succor menyokong support, sustain, bolster, advocate, favor, aid nomina bantuan help, assistance, aid, support, relief, assist pertolongan help, aid, relief, rescue, assistance, ministration pembantu maid, helper, servant, assistant, aide, aid penolong helper, aid, recourse, rescuer, assistant, …
Terjemahan dari reprehensible adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious yg patut dicela reprovable, reprehensible, censurable, culpable yg patut dipersalahkan culpable, reprehensible yg patut dihukum punishable, culpable, reprehensible Definisi reprehensible adjektiva deserving censure or condemnation. his complacency and reprehensible laxity sinonim: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, despicable, blameworthy, culpable, wrong, bad, shameful, dishonorable, objectionable, opprobrious, repugnant, …