Terjemahan dari despicable adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious hina despicable, abject, contemptible, lowly, humble, vile keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, nefarious yg patut dibenci despicable, execrable Definisi despicable adjektiva deserving hatred and contempt. a despicable crime sinonim: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable, awful, heinous, odious, vile, low, mean, abject, …
Terjemahan dari habitation nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, dwelling place kediaman residence, dwelling, house, habitation, residency, rooms tempat kediaman residence, house, habitation, residency, dwelling, houseroom pemukiman settlement, habitation permukiman settlement, habitation mukim habitation tempat kedudukan seat, site, habitation tempat untuk didiami habitation kampung village, town, hutment, habitation Definisi habitation nomina the state …
Terjemahan dari adversity nomina kesulitan trouble, difficulty, hardship, adversity, distress, impediment kesukaran difficulty, trouble, hardship, distress, adversity, impediment kesengsaraan misery, woes, suffering, tribulation, adversity, hardship kemalangan misfortune, adversity, disaster, rigors, bad luck, affliction Definisi adversity nomina difficulties; misfortune. resilience in the face of adversity sinonim: misfortune, ill luck, bad luck, trouble, difficulty, hardship, distress, disaster, …
Terjemahan dari evince verba memperlihatkan show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, evince membuktikan prove, attest, demonstrate, verify, establish, evince menunjukkan dgn jelas evince Definisi evince verba reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling). his letters evince the excitement he felt at undertaking this journey Sinonim verba reveal, show, make plain, manifest, indicate, display, exhibit, demonstrate, …
Terjemahan dari vanquish verba menundukkan subdue, subjugate, down, subject, conquer, vanquish mengalahkan beat, defeat, overcome, overpower, beat out, vanquish menaklukkan conquer, subdue, subjugate, vanquish, subject, down mengatasi overcome, cope with, surmount, get over, outgrow, vanquish Definisi vanquish verba defeat thoroughly. Mexican forces vanquished the French army in a battle in Puebla sinonim: conquer, defeat, beat, …