Terjemahan dari solarium nomina beranda veranda, porch, verandah, terrace, solarium, cloister jam matahari solarium Definisi solarium nomina a room fitted with extensive areas of glass to admit sunlight. It was a solarium , almost like a greenhouse room furnished with kitchen appliances instead of plants. Sinonim nomina sunroom, sun lounge, sun parlor, sun porch Contoh …
Terjemahan dari muzzy adjektiva suram gloomy, bleak, grim, dismal, dreary, muzzy bingung confused, puzzled, perplexed, upset, disoriented, muzzy tdk jelas inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, woolly mabuk drunk, drunken, intoxicated, boozy, tanked, muzzy Definisi muzzy adjektiva unable to think clearly; confused. she was shivering and her head felt muzzy from sleep sinonim: groggy, lightheaded, faint, …
Terjemahan dari preserve verba mempertahankan maintain, defend, preserve, hold, stand, stand up mengasingkan alienate, exile, isolate, seclude, relegate, preserve menjaga keep, maintain, take care of, guard, preserve, safeguard melindungi protect, safeguard, shield, preserve, cover, secure mengamankan preserve, pacify, reassure, prosecute, mollify, harbor mengawetkan preserve, conserve, cure, pickle, can memelihara maintain, keep, preserve, nurture, care, nourish …
Terjemahan dari charge nomina biaya cost, fee, charge, expense, tab, duty tuduhan accusation, charge, indictment, count, imputation, impeachment dakwaan indictment, charge, accusation, arraignment, inculpation, crimination kelah complaint, charge isi contents, body, charge, text, volume, filling ongkos cost, fee, charge, expense, exes, outlay beban load, burden, loading, charge, yoke, encumbrance tuntutan demand, claim, charge, requirement, indictment, …
Terjemahan dari impress verba mengesankan impress, strike, inscribe mempengaruhi affect, influence, sway, predispose, govern, impress mencetak print, score, mold, impress, publish, mint mengingatkan remind, warn, bring to mind, admonish, think, impress mencamkan imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince menanamkan kesan pd impress melagak impress mencap brand, stamp, stigmatize, seal, print, impress memperkesankan impress, …