Terjemahan dari slumlord nomina pemilik rumah-rumah gubuk slumlord Definisi slumlord nomina a landlord of slum property, especially one who profiteers. ‘I’m convinced that it’s the first time this city will have a real plan of action against slums and slumlords ,’ says Prescott, who believes it’ll take some imagination and, of course, some cash. Contoh …
Terjemahan dari concussion nomina gegar concussion, shaking, swaying benturan keras concussion gegaran concussion, shaking, swaying goncangan keras concussion Definisi concussion nomina temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. The term is also used loosely of the aftereffects such as confusion or temporary incapacity. The development of a better understanding of mild concussion is …
Terjemahan dari domicile nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, domicile domisile domicile Definisi domicile nomina the country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. his wife has a domicile of origin in Germany verba treat a specified country as a permanent home. the …
Terjemahan dari torrent nomina semburan spurt, spray, torrent, outburst, spout, scolding arus deras torrent, race aliran air yg deras torrent curahan deras torrent Definisi torrent nomina a strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid. rain poured down in torrents sinonim: flood, deluge, inundation, spate, cascade, cataract, rush, stream, current, flow, overflow, tide Sinonim …
Terjemahan dari devise verba merancang devise, plan, contrive, stake, map out merencanakan plan, plot, devise, design, schedule, chart memikirkan think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, devise menemukan find, come across, discover, locate, have, devise mendapatkan get, obtain, gain, have, find, devise memikir think, consider, speculate, ponder, care, devise Definisi devise nomina a clause in a will …