Enaknya Definisi delish adjektiva delicious. The meat itself was fall-off-the-bone good, tender as can be, and served with a delish pale orange swirl of mashed potato and carrot, seasoned with a dash of cinnamon for dramatic effect. Contoh No need to ditch the chocolate chips always and forever, but regularly substituting something like fruit or …
Terjemahan dari impresario nomina impresaris impresario Definisi impresario nomina a person who organizes and often finances concerts, plays, or operas. Opera impresario Raymond Gubbay has proved to concert promoters that given the right marketing, concerts and operas can be made as popular as any other evening’s entertainment. sinonim: organizer, (stage) manager, producer, promoter, publicist, showman, …
Terjemahan dari strife nomina perselisihan dispute, strife, discord, conflict, friction, clash percekcokan dispute, strife, row, argument, squabble, squabbling Definisi strife nomina angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict. strife within the community sinonim: conflict, friction, discord, disagreement, dissension, dispute, argument, quarreling, wrangling, bickering, controversy, ill/bad feeling, falling-out, bad blood, hostility, animosity Sinonim nomina conflict, …
Terjemahan dari discourse nomina ceramah lecture, talk, discourse, reading pidato speech, address, discourse, oration percakapan conversation, talk, talking, discourse, converse kuliah lecture, course, school, class, reading, discourse tulisan writing, article, inscription, script, handwriting, discourse Definisi discourse nomina written or spoken communication or debate. the language of political discourse sinonim: discussion, conversation, talk, dialogue, conference, debate, …
Terjemahan dari truncate verba memotong cut, cut off, cut out, chop, trim, truncate menyingkatkan truncate, condense, compress, abbreviate, contract mencacati truncate, deface, disable, damage, injure Definisi truncate verba shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end. a truncated cone shape sinonim: shorten, cut, cut short, curtail, bring to an untimely end, abbreviate, condense, …