Terjemahan dari contentious adjektiva kontensius contentious yg suka bertengkar quarrelsome, contentious, cantankerous yg suka berdebat contentious, argumentative, contradictory, contradictious yg suka berselisih contentious, quarrelsome yg suka berbantah contentious Definisi contentious adjektiva causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. a contentious issue sinonim: controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, open to debate, vexed Sinonim adjektiva controversial, disputable, …
Terjemahan dari demolish verba menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, shatter meruntuhkan tear down, overthrow, demolish, raze, pull down, knock down memusnahkan destroy, exterminate, eradicate, wipe out, kill, demolish menggempur storm, demolish, pound, attack and destroy membongkar unload, dismantle, disassemble, unpack, pry, demolish melumpuhkan paralyze, cripple, disable, immobilize, stifle, demolish Definisi demolish verba pull or …
Terjemahan dari imbibe verba menyerap absorb, permeate, imbibe, pervade, saturate, infiltrate meminum drink, lap up, imbibe, inhale, have a bite minum drink, take, have a drink, water, consume, imbibe mencamkan imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince Definisi imbibe verba drink (alcohol). they were imbibing far too many pitchers of beer sinonim: drink, consume, …
Terjemahan dari infatuation nomina keberahian infatuation, passion, allurement hal jatuh cinta infatuation hal jatuh hati infatuation kegila-gilaan delirium, infatuation, craze Definisi infatuation nomina an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. he had developed an infatuation with the girl Sinonim nomina crush, calf love, puppy love Contoh he had developed an infatuation …
Terjemahan dari revile verba mencaci berate, revile, abuse, chide, fling, scold mencerca revile, insult, rail, reprimand, snub, offend mencaci maki berate, revile, abuse, scold, lash out, miscall mengumpat curse, swear, slander, traduce, vituperate, revile mencercai snub, insult, offend, revile, rail, lambaste mengejikan lower, revile memperkejikan dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower, degrade, revile Definisi revile verba criticize …