Penguntit Definisi stalker nomina a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person. Sinonim nomina prowler, sneak Contoh You know, a woman falls in love with a married man and suddenly she’s an obsessed stalker . There was no way I was letting some obsessive stalker stay within one hundred feet of …
Terjemahan dari thus adverbia demikian so, thus, accordingly, like that, sic jadi so, thus, therefore, ergo begini like this, here, thus hingga thus Definisi thus adverbia as a result or consequence of this; therefore. Burke knocked out Byrne, thus becoming champion sinonim: consequently, as a consequence, in consequence, thereby, so, that being so, therefore, ergo, …
Terjemahan dari bordello nomina bordil brothel, bordello, embroidery Definisi bordello nomina a brothel. It was also here that the music and dance of the tango, once described as vertical flirting, was born among the brothels and bordellos of Necochea, a street that today is lined with pizzerias, cantinas and gift shops. sinonim: brothel, whorehouse, cathouse, …
Terjemahan dari concur verba setuju agree, concur, approve, sympathize, be in agreement, come around sependapat agree, concur, accord bertepatan coincide, concur, consist terjadi bersamaan concur sependirian agree, concur, accord bertindak bersamaan concur, conspire Definisi concur verba be of the same opinion; agree. the authors concurred with the majority sinonim: agree, be in agreement, go along, …