Terjemahan dari disputatious adjektiva argumentatif disputatious penuh dgn argumen disputatious Definisi disputatious adjektiva fond of or causing heated arguments. a congenial hangout for disputatious academics Sinonim adjektiva contentious, litigious, combative Contoh To place those two disputatious lawyers side by side, even in after-life, would have been a certain recipe for conflict. A more accurate portrayal …
Terjemahan dari reproach verba mencela denounce, reproach, criticize, blame, deprecate, decry menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, reproach menyalahkan blame, fault, condemn, accuse, reproach, impute menyesalkan regret, deplore, chagrin, reproach, begrudge, rue menyesali regret, repent, rue, lament, deplore, reproach mencelakan cavil, keelhaul, stigmatize, excoriate, criticize, reproach Definisi reproach nomina the expression of disapproval or disappointment. …
Terjemahan dari evict verba mengusir drive away, drive out, repel, cast out, evict, dissipate mengeluarkan issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, evict Definisi evict verba expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law. he had court orders to evict the trespassers from three camps sinonim: expel, eject, oust, remove, dislodge, …
Terjemahan dari profuse adjektiva boros extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse yg berlebihan superfluous, supererogatory, hyperbolical, copious, pleonastic, profuse sebesar-besarnya as big as possible, profuse sedalam-dalamnya profuse berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, profuse yg berlebih-lebihan copious, profuse, affluent, surplus, redundant, superfluous Definisi profuse adjektiva (especially of something offered or discharged) exuberantly plentiful; abundant. I …
Terjemahan dari gleeful adjektiva gembira happy, excited, glad, delighted, elated, gleeful riang carefree, cheerful, exuberant, merry, jolly, gleeful riang gembira chirpy, joyous, effervescent, joyful, gleeful, sprightly Definisi gleeful adjektiva exuberantly or triumphantly joyful. she gave a gleeful chuckle sinonim: delighted, pleased, joyful, happy, glad, overjoyed, elated, euphoric, amused, mirthful, merry, exuberant, jubilant, over the moon …