Terjemahan dari relic nomina barang peninggalan relic pusaka heritage, heirloom, relic, bequest, heirdom jenazah corpse, remains, bones, relic, clay, clod peninggalan jaman dulu relic barang milik orang keramat relic Definisi relic nomina an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest. The saddle no longer looked like an interesting historical …
Terjemahan dari resident nomina penduduk population, resident, inhabitant, invader, occupant, habitant residen resident penghuni occupant, resident, inhabitant, tenant, inmate, denizen pemukim resident adjektiva yg tetap tinggal resident khas typical, unique, characteristic, specific, peculiar, resident Definisi resident adjektiva living somewhere on a long-term basis. he has been resident in Brazil for a long time sinonim: living, …
Hesitation because of fear Comments comments
Terjemahan dari semantic adjektiva berkenaan dgn arti kata semantic Definisi semantic adjektiva relating to meaning in language or logic. They are self-conscious efforts to thwart the confinement of written language and its semantic limits. Contoh But, how can one discuss nonsemantic functions in language that is obdurately semantic ? In such grammars, conflicts among semantic …
Definisi virtuosity nomina great skill in music or another artistic pursuit. a performance of considerable virtuosity sinonim: skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence, brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, chops Sinonim nomina skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence,brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, …