
Terjemahan dari obvious
clear, obvious, evident, plain, vivid, distinct
real, tangible, obvious, apparent, noticeable, evident
obvious, conspicuous, marked, salient
broad, wide, obvious
yg mudah dilihat
obvious, noticeable
yg mudah dimengerti
coherent, obvious
Definisi obvious
easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.
unemployment has been the most obvious cost of the recession
sinonim: clear, crystal clear, plain, plain to see, evident, apparent, manifest, patent, conspicuous, pronounced, transparent, palpable, prominent, marked, decided, distinct, noticeable, unmissable, perceptible, visible, discernible, unmistakable, indisputable, self-evident, incontrovertible, incontestable, undeniable, beyond doubt, beyond question, as clear as day, staring someone in the face, overt, open, undisguised, unconcealed, frank, glaring, blatant, written all over someone, as plain as the nose on one’s face, sticking/standing out like a sore thumb, right under one’s nose
clear, crystal clear, plain, plain to see, evident, apparent, manifest, patent, conspicuous,pronounced, transparent, palpable, prominent, marked, decided, distinct, noticeable,unmissable, perceptible, visible, discernible, unmistakable, indisputable, self-evident,incontrovertible, incontestable, undeniable, beyond doubt, beyond question, as clear as day,staring someone in the face, overt, open, undisguised, unconcealed, frank, glaring, blatant,written all over someone, as plain as the nose on one’s face, sticking/standing out like a sore thumb, right under one’s nose
Even then, there are hints of Derek’s darkness that are only obvious in retrospect.
When you look at these two options in this light, doesn’t the answer seem glaringly obvious ?
But the ultimate solution was not obvious at the time.
His posthumous political importance is obvious to any observer of the Indian scene.
He’d seemed astounded, but poor Ryan had been making himself painfully obvious .
The incremental changes, if any, will be more obvious in retrospect.
And that, for fairly obvious reasons, was almost entirely coming from the sea.
The shortage of railway capacity becomes most obvious during the Spring Festival.
The Great Bars are dying because of fear and bad science, but the solutions seem pretty obvious .
The casting somehow manages to be terribly clever and terribly obvious at the same time.
Even those who like their comedy gently done are likely to find this too flimsy and obvious .
He had made it painfully obvious that she no longer belonged in his world.
The Gaffer’s part in it all is a bit less obvious , though.
Compulsions are obvious to an observer and can cause considerable shame and embarrassment.
The most obvious reason for this condition is that the Europeans insist on it.
The sets and costumes are great but all these aesthetics were obvious from the beginning.
By the end of the eighteenth century the damage was obvious to many observers.
As was obvious from the outset, the treaty obligation is proving unenforceable.
All have been glaringly obvious for years, but has Davies done anything about any of them?
And now, after a week, it’s become pretty obvious the someone is going to be me.
Okay, so there was the closet, but that was a bit too obvious .
I think this will appear obvious to the audience.
In the end, after a couple of weeks the answer was blindingly obvious .
That which is truly outrageous tends to have the quality of obviousness .
Everyone knows how special a World Cup is and it obviously means so much to this town.
I have to acknowledge the obviousness because it’s not the object per se that is the subject of the work, but the idea that created it.
Janette and Drew obviously trusted the gas supplier to keep them safe, as we all do.
They were obviously going off duty but they stopped to help me up and investigate.
There was a big roar from behind, which obviously meant that Annika had won her match.
Color and composition combine – usually without the obviousness of figuration.
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it is obvious, be obvious
Terjemahan dari obvious
clear, obvious, evident, plain, vivid, distinct
real, tangible, obvious, apparent, noticeable, evident
obvious, conspicuous, marked, salient
broad, wide, obvious
yg mudah dilihat
obvious, noticeable
yg mudah dimengerti
coherent, obvious
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[…] really come to grip with the question, one should be aware of his purposes, his aims in life. It is obvious that there are vital facts that a surgeon needs to know, just as there are essential knowledge and […]

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