
Propagate artinya merambat. Sering diterjemahkan menjadi “propagasi” Contoh yang paling umum kita temui : propagasi gelombang, atau perambatan gelombang.
spread, deploy, disseminate, distribute, propagate, scatter
disseminate, propagate, promulgate, blaze abroad
multiply, increase, propagate, augment, extend, enhance
extend, propagate, multiply, increase, augment, enhance
breed, spawn, raise, propagate
cultivate, propagate
Definisi propagate
breed specimens of (a plant, animal, etc.) by natural processes from the parent stock.
try propagating your own houseplants from cuttings
sinonim: breed, grow, cultivate
spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely.
the French propagated the idea that the English were violent and gluttonous drunkards
sinonim: spread, disseminate, communicate, make known, promulgate, circulate, broadcast, publicize, proclaim, preach, promote, bruit abroad
(with reference to motion, light, sound, etc.) transmit or be transmitted in a particular direction or through a medium.
electromagnetic effects can be propagated at a finite velocity only through material substances
  • breed, grow, cultivate
  • reproduce, multiply, proliferate, increase, spread, self-seed, self-sow
  • spread, disseminate, communicate, make known, promulgate, circulate, broadcast, publicize,proclaim, preach, promote, bruit abroad
  • spread
  • diffuse, disperse, broadcast, circulate, disseminate, pass around, circularize, spread,distribute, circularise
  • As with black Sampson coneflower, propagation by root division is rarely successful, so propagate this species by seed after moist stratification.
  • Many textbooks continue to propagate the myth that symptoms can accurately identify peptic ulcer disease.
  • This is the best material I’ve seen, so why not let us in the blogosphere propagate it?
  • Conventional art history narratives tend to propagate the idea that important art happens elsewhere, either outside Canada or in limited regions within the country.
  • These plants propagate quite easily from root cuttings taken in spring.
  • I dislike theories that propagate the idea of one pole vs. another and indeed the idea that we, as a race, have somewhere to go.
  • You can propagate by division, from proliferations or pips, or from seed.
  • If an animal is to grow to maturity and propagate , it must be able to take in nourishment and to navigate its way through the world.
  • These factors allow the organism to propagate and acclimate to the host’s internal environment.
  • You can propagate evergreen shrubs by ground-layering.
  • They reduce wildfire damage, help fire-dependent species propagate , and remove competing species like red maple.
  • The bill did not propagate a radical new idea, he said, but one that had existed in various forms for more than a century.
  • Turning from the very small to the very large, mathematics has also proved useful in understanding how particular tree species propagate across a geographic region.
  • Because molds and fungi propagate by means of airborne spores, they can cause respiratory problems.
  • One of the easiest ways to propagate shrubs is by layering – bending down a branch so it roots directly in the soil.
  • a hydraulic fracture is generally expected to propagate in a vertical plane
  • Likewise, detached roots of untransformed M. sativa (Aragón) plants were able to propagate in vitro.
  • Let’s propagate the idea that citizenship is a responsibility rather than a right.
  • A new technique allows researchers to culture colonies of mouse brain stem cells that can either propagate without differentiating or become normal brain cells at the flip of a genetic switch.
  • It is only when mysteriously united to a body that spirit is brought into relationship with place or extension, and under such a condition alone, and only through such a medium, can it propagate motion.
  • He points out that multiple prion-based heritable states can propagate independently within one cell.
  • The Internet is a great way to raise money, and you can propagate a message on the Internet, but you can’t sell a candidate on the Internet because politics is still intensely personal.
  • Some do not propagate freely nor continue with a satisfactory show of flower.
  • He is strongly against such power when used thoughtlessly to propagate traditional ideas, which can be harmful.
  • We need to know how they nucleate and how they propagate .
  • Topics covered include the structure and mechanics of plants, how they adapt to the seasons, what roots do and how plants propagate and support themselves.
  • Trees can propagate sexually or vegetatively.
  • These were monitoring variables like humidity and temperature, information that is invaluable to the horticulturalists attempting to propagate the trees.
  • Thirty-two cuttings per clone were propagated and the stock plants were discarded.
  • We live in a time when the opposite is being propagated by media and consumerist culture.
Baca Juga  Habitation
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