
Terjemahan dari prodigy
miracle, wonder, marvel, prodigy, wonderment, freak
orang yg berbakat
prodigy, talent
Definisi prodigy
a person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities.
a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day
sinonim: genius, mastermind, virtuoso, wunderkind, wonder child, boy wonder, girl wonder, whiz kid, whiz, wizard
  • genius, mastermind, virtuoso, wunderkind, wonder child, boy wonder, girl wonder, whiz kid,whiz, wizard
  • model, classic example, paragon, paradigm, epitome, exemplar, archetype
  • prognostication, omen, prognostic, portent, presage
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Unlike the neoconservative apologists for the Republican attempt to rip off the poor, he is a genuinely original thinker, as well as a prodigy of learning.
a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day
Child prodigy historians or sociologists would almost be a contradiction in terms.
At 79, she is a prodigy of youthful energy in hoisting a hefty bundle of old tricks.
Having eclipsed the record of Anand to become the youngest grandmaster from the country, the chessprodigy is now gunning for greater glory.
Chirac praised the bridge’s designers and builders for creating ‘a prodigy of art and architecture a new emblem of French civil engineering’.
The harmonica prodigy kicks out a foot-stomping blues bonanza to break up the tender anecdotes.
Thick-skinned, he fails to heed their hints about getting a replacement, even when they turn up at his house with Tom, a hot young guitar prodigy .
Nash is a young math prodigy who shows up at Princeton with the amazing ability to see numbers in a most visual way, handy for storyshowing in this age of effects.
A young musical prodigy from Keighley is to showcase her talents to raise awareness of the devastating effects of cancer on teenagers.
Maybe so, but when LeBron entered the ninth grade at his new school, St Vincent-St Mary, at least one international sports agency inquired about the young basketball prodigy who was becoming the talk of Akron.
In the local fashion world, designer Oscar Lawalata is something of a prodigy .
a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day
The senior Gretzky still lives in the house where Wayne grew up; a swimming pool has replaced the famous backyard practice rink that Walter built for his young prodigy years ago.
Certainly I was no technical prodigy , but I was comfortable around machinery.
Van Schurman was a prodigy of linguistic skills.
Western cultures tend to praise those who make difficult tasks appear easy because of their own exceptional ability, as in the child prodigy phenomenon.
It is a fine example of the so-called prodigy buildings built by the richest and most intellectually advanced men.
He was a child prodigy who died young and yet he wrote a phenomenal amount of music.
Germany seemed a prodigy of industrial discipline
She was a colossus in all her limbs – a marvel of strength and a prodigy of clumsiness.
Germany seemed a prodigy of industrial discipline
From child prodigy to intelligence consultant the flight has been quick.
The more research she did, the more fascinated she became with the complicated 18th century childprodigy , virtuoso, hyper-prolific genius and failed priest!
By age 7, Nikolay was already recognized as a young chess prodigy , and at age 11, he was invited to one of the best chess schools in the Ukraine.
A young poet prodigy is basking in royal approval after receiving a message from the Queen.
The story begins in Russia, where the young chess prodigy tore through distinguished grand master opposition like a sickle through soft grain.
At 18, the two young math prodigies shared not only looks and last names, but identical intellects.
There is an urgent need to endorse intelligence; this, in part, involves identifying chess prodigies .
So when we look at genius or child prodigies or musical geniuses or idiot savants, these are clues to the mystery of that infinitely creative mind that we can tap into.
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child prodigy, a child prodigy
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