miracle, wonder, marvel, prodigy, wonderment, freak
orang yg berbakat
prodigy, talent
a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day
miracle, wonder, marvel, prodigy, wonderment, freak
orang yg berbakat
prodigy, talent
a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day
Terjemahan dari fug nomina udara pengap fug, frowst udara apak fug, frowst verba mengalami kepengapan fug Definisi fug Short for “Fugly”, or “Fuckin’ Ugly”. Wow, that chick is fug! nomina a warm, stuffy, or smoky atmosphere in a room. the cozy fug of the music halls Contoh It is all a far cry from the …
Terjemahan dari debauchee nomina orang gasang debauchee, lecher Definisi debauchee nomina a person given to excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. Within a few years, Carbonneau, ‘a debauchee and libertine’ had frittered away her money on dubious enterprises. Sinonim nomina rounder, libertine Contoh The reality is a disturbingly different film, dark and sombre, a 17th century …
Terjemahan dari scrutinize verba menyimak heed, gather, scrutinize menatapi scrutinize, stare, contemplate, peer, regard, scan menatap stare, contemplate, peer, regard, scan, scrutinize mengamati dgn teliti scrutinize meneliti dgn cermat scrutinize memeriksa dgn teliti scrutinize, scan, overhaul memperkaca make certain, satisfy oneself of, scrutinize, look at through a magnifying glass memperkacai make certain, satisfy oneself of, …
Terjemahan dari discipline nomina disiplin discipline mata pelajaran subject, course, study, discipline kedisiplinan discipline, training ketertiban order, orderliness, discipline, neatness mata kuliah course, subject, study, discipline Definisi discipline nomina the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. a lack of proper parental and school discipline …
Terjemahan dari dwindle verba berkurang diminish, reduce, lessen, dwindle, ease, subside menyusut shrink, dwindle, wane, recede, subside, wipe merosot slump, decline, degenerate, sink, slip, dwindle menjadi kecil grow dim, dwindle Definisi dwindle verba diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength. traffic has dwindled to a trickle sinonim: diminish, decrease, reduce, lessen, shrink, fall off, tail …