Terjemahan dari harrowing adjektiva mengerikan terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, harrowing yg menyiksa torturous, harrowing, excruciating Definisi harrow adjektiva acutely distressing. a harrowing film about racism and violence verba draw a harrow over (land). Wheat fields are harrowed before the crop emerges to get the first flush of weeds. cause distress to. Todd could take …
Terjemahan dari vet verba memeriksa check, check out, examine, inspect, verify, vet mengobati hewan vet Definisi vet verba make a careful and critical examination of (something). proposals for vetting large takeover bids sinonim: check, examine, scrutinize, investigate, inspect, look over, screen, assess, evaluate, appraise, check out Sinonim verba check, examine, scrutinize, investigate, inspect, look over, …
Sumber Vocabulary One of the anomalies of our approach to history is the propensity to study the venerable empire of Europe, but we do not feel it incumbent upon us to ascertain anything about the civilizations in our own hemisphere. We deprecate the history of this part of the world as though progress lay dormant …
Terjemahan dari volition nomina kemauan will, volition, desire, wish, grain, appetence kehendak will, desire, wish, purpose, volition, want Definisi volition nomina the faculty or power of using one’s will. without conscious volition she backed into her office Sinonim nomina will willing Contoh That implies a good deal of volition , but I would argue that …
Terjemahan dari preclude verba menghalangi prevent, hinder, deter, preclude, impede, obstruct menghindarkan avoid, spare, avert, preclude, obviate, waive Definisi preclude verba prevent from happening; make impossible. the secret nature of his work precluded official recognition sinonim: prevent, make it impossible for, rule out, stop, prohibit, debar, bar, hinder, impede, inhibit, exclude Sinonim verba prevent, make …