Terjemahan dari jurisdiction nomina yurisdiksi jurisdiction wilayah hukum jurisdiction kekuasaan hukum jurisdiction hal mengadili jurisdiction Definisi jurisdiction nomina the official power to make legal decisions and judgments. federal courts had no jurisdiction over the case sinonim: authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, command, sway, leadership, sovereignty, hegemony Sinonim nomina authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, …
Terjemahan dari virtuous adjektiva berbudi luhur virtuous, noble, noble-minded, high-minded saleh pious, godly, devout, virtuous, religious, holy suci holy, sacred, pure, saintly, chaste, virtuous bajik virtuous, wholesome, good berbudi tinggi virtuous gunawan virtuous, noble, useful berbudi mulia noble, virtuous, noble-minded, high-minded Definisi virtuous adjektiva having or showing high moral standards. she considered herself very virtuous …
Terjemahan dari utmost adjektiva sepenuhnya utmost, absolute, perfect, undivided, uttermost sepenuh full, utmost, undivided, uttermost, perfect, absolute Definisi utmost adjektiva most extreme; greatest. a matter of the utmost importance sinonim: greatest, highest, maximum, most, uttermost, extreme, supreme, paramount, vital, crucial nomina the greatest or most extreme extent or amount. a plot that stretches credulity to …
Terjemahan dari senile adjektiva pikun senile uzur senile, weak, pregnant, worn-out Definisi senile adjektiva (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. she couldn’t cope with her senile husband sinonim: doddering, doddery, decrepit, senescent, declining, infirm, feeble, aged, long in the tooth, in one’s …
Terjemahan dari vigil nomina penjagaan guard, custody, preservation, protection, surveillance, vigil hal berjaga-jaga vigil, wake Definisi vigil nomina a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray. my birdwatching vigils lasted for hours (in the Christian Church) the eve of a festival or holy day as an …