Swiver artinya memutar, memutarkan, atau putaran a coupling between two parts enabling one to revolve without turning the other. Patented swivel axle keeps all three wheels on the ground even on sharp turns. turn around a point or axis or on a swivel. he swiveled in the chair sinonim: turn, rotate, revolve, pivot, swing, spin, twirl, whirl, wheel, gyrate, pirouette Contoh In my opinion the best …
Glitch artinya kesalahan. a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment Simak beberapa contoh kalimat di bawah untuk lebih memahaminya It took most of the next morning to figure out the glitch and devise a temporary fix. However, the department has dismissed the issue as a temporary glitch and says the tagging of sheep will …
Terjemahan dari concern nomina perhatian attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice urusan affairs, business, matter, dealings, concern, charge soal matter, problem, question, thing, item, concern keprihatian concern, thoughtfulness perusahaan company, enterprise, firm, corporation, business, concern firma firm, company, enterprise, concern, concernment kemasygulan concern, heartbreak, anxiety, moodiness, hip prihatian concern kemasgulan anxiety, concern, heartbreak, moodiness, hip …
Terjemahan dari kismet nomina nasib fate, luck, destiny, fortune, lot, kismet kodrat nature, power, kismet, god’s will Definisi kismet nomina destiny; fate. what chance did I stand against kismet? Sinonim nomina kismat Contoh what chance did I stand against kismet? And so Basrans toil in the blazing heat of the Arabian Gulf, waiting for fate, …
Terjemahan dari furtive adjektiva sembunyi secret, stealthy, concealed, furtive Definisi furtive adjektiva attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive. they spent a furtive day together sinonim: secretive, secret, surreptitious, clandestine, hidden, covert, conspiratorial, cloak-and-dagger, backroom, backstairs, sly, sneaky, under-the-table, sidelong, sideways, oblique, …